Mollie Hemingway on Fox: No One Trusts the Liberal Media on Elections Anymore

Brian Stelter was unhappy about Mollie’s new book on Sunday morning. Rigged on CNN and how it was getting play on Fox News — there’s even an online excerpt! Fox News interviewed Hemlngway in two segments. Mediabuzz. 

She laid out how the media claimed the 2016 election was horribly rigged from abroad and then the 2020 election was somehow the fairest ever administered. 

She said it was 2016 when she made the announcement.Consider going back to 2016 and keeping that in mind. MSNBC and many other well-known media outlets have spread the lies that Donald Trump colluded in Russia’s theft of the 2016 election. For years, they repeated this lie. They have been saying this for years.

Kurtz then asked Kurtz about 2020.

KURTZ: I’m curious if you use the Trumpian term “fake news” in your book. This is a cultural phenomenon that has inevitably become part of our culture. In 2020, the media was practically campaigning against Joe Biden. It is a level of collusion that has never been seen since before Obama. While the word collusion seems a bit too far, it is actually quite accurate for the part that supports Joe Biden. You say that it is an outcome of 4 years of Trump media coverage.

HEMINGWAY – It was — I’ve never seen anything similar. We knew bias existed for years. To see Republican presidents complaining about this, you can go back to Eisenhower. Between 2016 and 2020, however, things changed completely.

This was more than just propaganda and bias. It was the invention of fake news from anonymous sources. Things that were refuted by many people, such as Donald Trump’s claim that he went to Aisne-Marne not for the weather but rather because he hated American soldiers. This was a falsehood that spread to like presidential debates.

Biden was even quoted as saying that Atlantic first at a press conference after they “reported” that soldier-hating junk so their reporter could claim in a “question” that “Trump is an example of selfishness in his life, while Trump is the soul of a coward. That looked like collusion.

Hemingway spoke on Hunter Biden’s laptop story, which was later suppressed.

The media also did the worst thing during the campaign by suppressing a story about Joe Biden that would have damaged their candidate.

Although there was genuine news, the media lied about it, calling it Russian disinformation. That story was suppressed by the media and it was lied about.

This is, you cannot have free and fair elections when you’re in this kind of environment with our media.

An example: In an MRC poll, that one of every six Biden voters we surveyed (17%) told us they would have abandoned the Democratic candidate had they known about one or more of the news stories we presented about accusations against the Bidens and good news about the Trump record.

Abbott Laboratories was partially responsible for Fox’s interview with Hemingway.

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