There’s nothing worse than losing out on an insurance claim due to simple human error. It’s the most avoidable and least conspicuous issue with modern claims. Yet there’s an almost 20% error rate among health insurance information today. Consequently, efforts to reduce that error are vital for consumers and providers alike.
One of the biggest recent advancements has come in using card readers. If one has a camera and an insurance card, they don’t have to worry about improper submission. Unfortunately, these readers are still not perfect for a range of reasons. One of the most prominent issues is that the readers simply read text, meaning they’re not made for insurance cards explicitly.
New AI-powered card readers are starting to change this. These insurance processing readers are quicker, make fewer errors, and most importantly are trained on actual insurance information. This massively increases the accuracy of the readers and can even help identify missing information and localities.
Of course, these new readers won’t save someone from submitting a claim they do not apply for. However, they do ensure that when a claim is submitted it will go through and will do so properly. This tool is especially effective because of its easy rollout and accessibility. With this new technology, those submitting claims no longer need to be experts on their insurance just to avoid paying thousands in bills. The healthcare system in the U.S. has its issues, but tools like these ensure it functions as intended.
Source: OrbitHC
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