Michael Eric Dyson and Joy-Ann Reid Laughably Attempt to Label Winsome Sears as a Puppet for White Supremacists – Opinion

Liberals say stupid $#@! It isn’t new. Liberals disrespecting minority conservatives is not a new thing. This duly noted, Joy-Ann Reid and Michael Eric Dyson’s dismissal of newly elected Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears reaches a level of disparaging dehumanization bordering on a cross between psychotic and satanic.

The comments unsurprisingly took place on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show. Reid, doubtless still smarting from the verbal throwdown she suffered at Sears’ hands, started things off with an (in her mind) royal raking of Republicans for taking pride in voting for a woman of color. Why? It was also minority. It is true.

“The two choices voters had in Virginia were a Black woman who shares my daughter’s name and Jamaican heritage, and an Afro-Latina who is part Lebanese. You had two choices of Brown/Black persons and chose one. Do you get credit? Do you get special credit? It’s like I had ice cream or cake adds two options, but I want credit for lowering my calorie count because I picked ice cream. You had two choices and they were both Black!”

Short-term memory loss is a problem for Ms. Reid. Sears was on the ballot as the Republican choice for Lieutenant Governor because … brace yourself … she won the Republican state convention, defeating Glenn Davis and four others. Davis ran again for the Virginia House of Delegates seat and was reelected. Davis, by the way is white.

It was a convention, not a primary election. Virginia allows both the Republican and Democratic parties to choose whether they want to hold a primary or state election. What is the eligibility to participate, for example, in the Republican Convention? As it turns out, it’s a rather inviting event:

The Republican Party of Virginia may include all legal and qualified Virginia voters, regardless of race or religion.

Virginia Republicans could choose between Sears or not. Sears was their choice. Twice.

Dyson then intervened:

The problem is here they want — they want White supremacy by ventriloquist effect. There is a Black mouth moving but a White idea through the — running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the White supremacist practices.

Dyson doesn’t insinuate, but he is simply stating that Sears preaches white supremacy. Let’s take a look at Sears’ words. You might be able to spot white supremacy, as in this example:

In case you haven’t noticed, I am black, and I have been black all my life. But that’s not what this is about. We are now going to be about the business side of the commonwealth. Things need tending. We will fully finance historically black colleges or universities.

Hmmm. It’s nothing. This:

We’re going to have safer neighborhoods, safer communities, and our children are going to get a good education. My father was lifted out of poverty by education, so education helped me. This will help us all get out from poverty. Our children will not just thrive but also be marketable. That’s what this is about.

If you don’t believe that self-improvement or personal responsibility are racist concepts, then there is still a lot to be learned about white supremacist rhetoric. Because, you know, you poor things haven’t got what it takes and can’t possibly survive without your white liberal government masters giving you handouts. Which, come to think of it, sounds a lot like white supremacy thinking and … um, never mind, back to Sears’ speech.

However, I will tell you that there are those who would like to split us and that we should not allow this to happen. They wish us to imagine we are in 1963 when my father arrived. You can choose where you want to live. You can choose where you eat. The water fountains are ours. A black president has been elected twice. This is me, the living example.

Ah-HA! Sears doesn’t believe blacks are as oppressed as they were in the 1960s when murdering people for the crime of registering minorities to vote was commonplace. Also, churches were attacked and crosses burnt on the front yards. Thugs and police dogs were also used to attack civil rights activists in the street. What’s all that compared to Colin Kaepernick not getting another NFL gig?

Snark aside, Dyson’s sheer dismissiveness and utter disregard for Sears’ career achievements is the exact stereotype he falsely accuses Sears of embodying. Raw racism is the notion that skin colour dictates monotrack political and social thinking. Dyson, Reid and others are exactly what they say they oppose. They do not offer any measured arguments for policies or platforms. Instead they seek to make anyone, regardless of their actual achievements, look like a bunch of naive, vapid virtue-signaling, white guilty incarnated as satanic Mammon. Only those who are able to do so. The ones who can’t preach to the choir, while also accepting an offering of love from the congregation.

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