Mark Meuser Says Race Against Alex Padilla Is Winnable, Could Be Decisive for a GOP Majority – Opinion

Mark Meuser, a California Senate candidate and attorney, says that California Republicans could still win state races if they have enough conservative voters. According to Meuser, the Republican candidate has seen an increase in conservative voting in California. Every California Republican, Independent-leaning Conservative, must vote against Governor Gavin Newsom and Newsom’s Senator Alex Padilla. Democrats have a two-to-one advantage over Republicans and Independents. But, California Democrats may be fed up enough to vote for qualified candidates such as Nathan Hochman for Attorney-General, Mark Meuser for Senate and Lanhee Ch for State Controller.

The Republicans are likely to win the Senate majority if Newsom’s Padilla is defeated by Meuser. To make that happen, conservatives must turn out in record numbers and anyone who believes California and America is headed in the wrong directions. Californians have millions of disapproval for Padilla and Newsom. But, voting against them in November will send the message. Only 47% are Democrats; 24% are Republicans; 23 percent are Independents. So it’s going to be a challenge to get everyone to vote them out.

Levon Satamian: Would you believe that a Republican would win the state of California in midterms elections? Why or why?

Mark Meuser: Republicans are able to win 2022 California, if the majority vote. If you look at the voting statistics for the past decade, it is clear that there has been an increase in the proportion of conservative voters who have not voted. Many millions of people who want the government removed from their lives and vote no matter what, have made it clear that they don’t care about their votes.

According to polling statistics, a significant number of Californians are unhappy with the progressive agenda of the woke. They simply don’t want government in their lives. Republicans stand a chance of winning in 2022. They can talk to friends and neighbors and get out to vote.

LS: How will you tell Democrats and Independents not to vote for Alex Padilla, what message would that send?

MM. I believe that people should vote against my opponent if they love federal spending out of control, higher taxes, lobbyists, and well-funded special interests. You should choose me to represent the people who have a history of fighting against big businesses, big technology, and large government.

Unelected bureaucrats closed down churches, schools and businesses in our community. I was there to fight for them opening again. The unelected bureaucrats mandated vaccines to you for work. I stood in court to defend your rights to medical care.

You can compare my campaign finances with those of my opponent to see how I’m not being bought or paid for by any special interests. My campaign is funded by We The People, and that is the cause I will be supporting when I reach D.C.

LS. California Democrats are trying to get Donald Trump into every race. This is a trend we have observed. Assuming Padilla puts ads out about you and mentions Trump to avoid speaking about his record, what would your message be to Californians who don’t support Trump?

MM: While Democrats focus on the battle of personalities in 2024, I am focusing on the issues that the voters want the government to deal with in 2022 ( Democrats want to make 2022 the battle of personalities, as they can’t run with their track record of destruction of the economy, high levels of crime and disaster at the borders.

LS: Your thoughts about the FBI raiding Mar-a-Lago

MM = Monday, August 8, 2008: Day FBI Crossed Rubicon.

LS: Tell us about the first piece of legislation that you’d like to see in the Senate.

MM: The American vision of government was “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Unfortunately, it has become a government of special interests, by special interests, for special interests. While the politicians give lip service every two or four years to the people, they then go on to serve lobbyists. That has to stop. It is time for someone in DC to stand up and represent “We the People.”

It is time for the federal government to reduce its spending and begin living within its budget. I support federal spending cuts, particularly waste, fraud and abuse.

Schools should focus on core subjects like STEM and not indoctrinating children. As a strong believer in education funding, it should be focused on students rather than systems. Any proposal that directs federal funding to support students, regardless of their choice of destination for support will have my full support.

Inflation is caused by burdensome regulations enacted by unelected bureaucrats. These regulations can be so significant that Congress must vote to approve them before they are made effective.

LS: Your stance regarding the Supreme Court ruling? Roe V. Wade?

MM. I believe in the U.S. Constitution. Roe V. WadeThis was an unfortunate legal decision, as it removed from the states the responsibility for addressing this politically charged issue. Constitution granted the state the power to deal with issues affecting the health and well-being of their citizens. My belief is that this DobbsIt was a significant decision to control the federal government, and to give power back to officials who are more responsive to citizens’ needs.

Climate change is a major topic in California. Does there exist a sensible proposal for dealing with climate change What would a common-sense proposal for dealing with climate change look like?

MM. The climate is constantly changing. One day is warm, and the next it is cool. A couple of decades ago, we were discussing global warming. Then we were speaking about global cooling. The policies of each movement have been to restrict your freedoms, and to grant more power to non-elected bureaucrats. If the definitions of man-made effects on our world are constantly changing, we cannot have serious discussions. Soundbites are not a good way to solve problems.

California is a beautiful state, and I love being outdoors. People don’t want to live with smog and dirty water. The United States has made great strides over the years in improving livability standards. This extreme environmentalism must be stopped at the expense the residents of this state. To ensure water is available for all, desalination plants must be built so that farmers and people can harvest their crops. For foresters who want to reduce the amount of underbrush in their forests and to thin them out, we need to make it possible for them to do so. This will ensure that our forests are not destroyed by forest fires which emit large quantities CO2.

L.S.: In California, and all across America, crime is common. How can leaders reduce crime?

MM: See the People’s plan (Protecting our Communities) –

LS. What are the steps leaders can take to lower inflation?

MM. Inflation is when government spends money more quickly than it can produce it. The dollar is devalued when the government prints money. When the dollar is devalued, prices naturally rise which hurts Californians’ pockets, requiring them to pay more for gas, food, and other daily needs.

I am in favor of a balanced budget amendment. I also oppose pork-barrel spending bills which benefit special interests. I want to examine the budget and find out if there is any waste, fraud or abuse in federal spending.

LS: Do you believe voters are finally realizing the mistakes of Rob Bonta and Gavin Newsom?

MM: It is clear that they are waking up to Joe Biden and the federal democrats’ failed policies. Newsom’s popularity seems not to be the same as Joe Biden, according to polling. Bonta as well Padilla are not very popular in California, so most voters wouldn’t be able to recognize them even if they passed by them.

This is Part One in my interview with Meuser. Part two of this interview with Meuser will take place in October. According to polls, the vast majority of Senate elections are a tie. Turnout is critical for the GOP, which can’t be stressed enough. Meuser can defeat Padilla if turnout is high. The GOP will most likely win the Senate majority.

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