As the fallout continued for the 13 Republican lawmakers who joined forces with Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats to pass the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill late Friday night, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) fired up her Twitter machine and praised Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her fellow Squad comrades for voting “no” on the bill, and also slammed the Republican “traitors.” In a single tweet.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, America at its best
Here are the “Republicans” that just voted to help Biden screw America.
But 6 Democrats did more than these 13 traitor Republicans to stop Biden’s fake Infrastructure bill by voting NO. AOC Tlaib Pressley Omar Bush Bowman
They have more balls than these R’s.
It was a very important line. Particularly the last line.
Here are the “Republicans” that just voted to help Biden screw America.
But 6 Democrats did more than these 13 traitor Republicans to stop Biden’s fake Infrastructure bill by voting NO.
BowmanThey have more balls than these R’s.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 6, 2021
Newsweek reported that Greene started with:
Republicans who hand over their voting card to Nancy Pelosi to pass Biden’s Communist takeover of America will feel the anger of the GOP voter.
AOC and That clown car, the far-left wing of the House sought to link passage of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan with passage of Biden’s even more disastrous $1.75 trillion “social spending” bill — the laughably named Build Back Better Act.
However, opposition from moderate House Democrats torpedoed the effort — for now, that is — leading to AOC & Co. voting “no” on the bill. RedState reports that lawmakers pledged not to vote for BBB until Nov. 15, contrary to what RedState reported. Given opposition from moderate Senate Democrats like West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, Biden’s America’s transformation as we know ItIt is far from being a closed deal.
Anyway, MTG continued blistering the Republican “traitors,” in one case with an obvious reference to Republican Glenn Youngkin’s win in the Virginia gubernatorial race over the The lying lie of lies liars Terry McAuliffe, a former governor of the VA.
On Tuesday, the American people rejected the Democrats’ platform and by Friday Republican traitors locked arms with Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s communist takeover of America.
Your voters will convey the exact same message as Tuesday’s Democratic vote to you.
Very well played.
On Tuesday, the American people rejected the Democrats platform and by Friday Republican traitors locked arms with Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s communist takeover of America.
Your voters will convey the exact same message as Tuesday’s Democratic vote to you.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 6, 2021
Greene tweeted 13 Republican phone numbers in an even more impressive move.
Please remind me never to tick her off.
Katko 202-225-3711
Bacon 202-225-4155
Van Drew 202-225-66572
Young 202-225-5765
Upton (202-225-3761)
Kinzinger 202-225-3635
Gonzalez (OH) 202-225-3876
Reed 202-225-3121
Smith 202-225-37665
Gabarino 202-225-7896
Malliotakis 202-225-3370
Fitzpatrick 202-225-4276
McKinley (202-254-4172— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 6, 2021
To suggest Marjorie Taylor Green was 100 percent right is to suggest the obvious — if you’re a true conservative, that is, who has long been sick and tired of weak-a** Republicans folding up like cheap lawn chairs as if they’re terrified to cross the Democrats and/or anger the left-wing sock puppet media.
It doesn’t take a “very stable genius” (sorry not sorry), nor Marjorie Taylor Greene, to see, time and time again, that the Democrat Party — along with the lapdog media — lies, cheats, exploits, and supports everything it supports and opposes everything it opposes with one eye on the voting booth and a never-quenched thirst for power, everyone and everything else be damned — including the American people.
Below are several RedState articles about the latest happenings at Capitol Hill.
Democrats Get Massive Benefits for Illegals With the Passage of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
Here’s How They’re Hoodwinking You on Biden’s Build Back Better Bill
New Study Destroys Biden’s Claim His ‘Build Back Better’ Will Cost ‘Zero Dollars’
Manchin’s Opposition to Build Back Better Doesn’t Make Him a Racist