There is no need to apologize for the accepting nature of the Left when it is loaded in at the Convention Center loading dock as Ben Shapiro.
Just a second, think about all of the times it has been said that it was terrible that this country is divided. These laments often carry the cry for greater openness, tolerance, and acceptance.
All of that sentiments are now out the door. In Dallas is currently hosting a large national podcasting conference.Podcast Movement 2022. It is said to have the largest group of podcasters. There are all the events you would expect, from dinners and panels to a large media row that draws thousands. But one man is causing the whole affair to go berserk.
In an odd fashion, which should appear to be parody, organizers began a deep apologetic thread in dismay at Ben Shapiro’s appearance on the Daily Wire. Podcast figure may have arranged this. Aaron Mahnke took to Twitter to voice his disapproval to Shapiro and describe his wish to leave the event. (Note: This quote was retrieved from an alternate source because Shapiro, with whom I’ve never spoken, has me blocked and his Twitter account is restricted to approved followers.
If you’re a friend of mine who’s attending this week, you should consider doing the same. Silence means agreement, complicity.
This sets off an intolerant idiocy. First order of clarification here – Mahnke has stirred up this outrage and is completely bothered that Shapiro is at this conference — which Mahnke himself is not attending. Mahnke is outraged at something that he didn’t see first-hand, nor second-hand. It is possible that he reacted to Ben’s comments while Aaron was streaming him on a panel.
He must then have heard Shapiro say something infuriating while broadcasting his conference program!
Well…it must have been that Shapiro said something controversial while sitting for an interview with another podcaster from the media area at the center.
Mahnke, and the organizers of Podcast Movement, are having a “Lost Ark” face-melting episode over the fact that Ben Shapiro arrived at the convention. This is all. The man was not even a conference credentialed person. Instead, he attended the event as a general participant. This has led to the organizers being forced to make emotional apologies out of virtue-signaling despair.
We owe an apology to all of you before the sessions begin for today. Yesterday afternoon Ben Shapiro visited briefly the PM22 booth near The Daily Wire. We are fully responsible for any harm caused by Ben Shapiro’s presence, even though he wasn’t registered and expected to be there.
— Podcast Movement at #PM22 (@PodcastMovement) August 25, 2022
Even more absurd is the fact that it’s all a coincidence. This random appearance by Shapiro has taken this outfit completely by surprise – even though his own outlet has a booth set up at the conference.
“We are fully responsible for any harm caused by him even though he wasn’t expected or registered. There’s no way around it: We agreed to sell The Daily Wire a first-time booth based on the company’s large presence in podcasting. It is painfully obvious how significant this decision was. Shapiro is co-founder. A drop-in, however unlikely, should have been considered a possibility.”
It is not as if the inclusion of Shapiro’s outlet was an oversight or slipped under some radar. According to Inside Radio, Shapiro had the fifth most popular podcast The Daily Wire also had last month’s Sixth-highest US audience with 7.3 Million downloads. Global streams are measured at 72,000,000. It is expected that DW will then appear at the biggest podcasting convention.
This is a group that seems to be unable to comprehend how absurd it is for people complaining about someone being offended at them at conventions. Who isn’t even attending this convention?Continue reading to then bend the knee and embarrass yourselves with an over-the-top apology that is levels of magnitude beyond the perceived offense underscores just where you reside on the socio-political spectrum. They continue to apologize., “The pain caused by this one will always stick with us.”
Pain. It could have been caused by someone looking across broadcast space to see Ben Shapiro. This was likely done by an outsider. You shouldn’t be angry about this. It is something that you can have a good laugh about and then leave in peace. These people are not serious. These people are not serious.
This is the sign of what this country needs to do. These intolerant, scolding scolds may find these actions admirable and even a bit imposing. However, it is the only way to stop them from engaging. Instead of fighting them in their own backyard, it is best to move on and establish our own arenas. Fine if they choose to engage later. However, appeasement doesn’t exist on their menu now so placing an order is futile.
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