Low COVID Vaccine Rates Prompt a Pro-Poke Promo — at a Brothel – Opinion

Sometimes, it’s hard to get people to vaccinate.

Action is driven by incentive and the Austrian Enterprise has quite the system.

Sky News reported that the Fun Palast was running an provocative promotion relating to being poked.

The Vienna business is a brothel, and it’s providing a free sampling of wares for those willing to accept immunization.

According to the outlet, “Vaccine uptake levels in Austria are among the worst in western Europe.”

However, the Fun Palast came up with a brilliant idea:

In exchange for a jab, visitors get a free 30-minute session in a “sauna club” with the “lady of their choice.”

This initiative is helping to boost businesses.

DailyMail.com’s Palast stated that COVID was responsible for the sales slump.

“Due to the pandemic, we have registered a 50 percent decrease [in clients]…”


“[W]ith this initiative, we hope that the number of customers will rise again.”

The public health apparatus will also appreciate this.

About 64 percent of Austrians have been vaccinated at the moment. This places Austria in the lowest half of the European Union.

In just 24 hours, 9,943 cases were reported in the country on Saturday. That’s more than 90586 that was recorded previously on November 13, 2020.

Those who haven’t been injected are banned from hairdressers, restaurants, and cafes.

The country’s “2G” rule — announced Friday — will require proof of vaccination or coronavirus recovery for hotel stay, movie theater attendance, and any event comprised of more than 25 people.

Essentially, the nation’s putting the “need” in “needled.”

In turn, Fun Palast is converting “ill” to “thrill.”

And in case you were wondering, the establishment’s encouraging both guys and gals to take part.

But don’t be bewildered if more men clip the coupon.

Peter Laskaris is a manager who put Reuters in touch:

“Basically, I was looking at the statistics and I read that we need like 70/75 percent for us to reach herd immunity, but we’re currently only at 63 percent. And then I noticed in the statistics that very many men, very many men with a migration background, virtually refuse vaccination or don’t even know that you can be vaccinated.”

“And since we are actually reaching this target group, we decided to set up a vaccination [clinic] here,” he explained.

One of Fun Palast’s caretakers, Mina, hearkened to happiness:

“Well, I think it’s a very good idea to have a vaccination street in the Fun Palast, because the name ‘Fun Palace’ suggests to have a bit of fun here and return back to normality a bit more.”

“And I also think it’s a great idea that this is being offered for women, children, and of course men,” she added.

As for age restriction, here’s the New York Post:

Boys aged 14 and under are granted access to the clinic with an adult. However, women are strongly encouraged to take a coronavirus vaccine to the Fun Palast.

To be fair, the Palast isn’t the first adult-oriented entity to devise a COVID-savvy scheme.

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Inoculation is another area.

The possibility of receiving COVID can cause stress in some individuals, so getting it might help to reduce tension.

However, I believe those who plunge at Fun Palast will feel more relaxed than others.



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