Los Angeles Group Touts Snitch Line Where People Can Report Sick Kids, Indoor Eating At School – Opinion

A shocking report from RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar recently exposed the shady connections between Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer and a study the CDC used as the basis for school reopening guidelines. As it turns out, Ferrer’s daughter was the author of the study, and her mother has used it to justify keeping COVID restrictions in place for students in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). It wasn’t until Van Laar’s investigation became public that Ferrer reversed her position on reinstating a mask mandate.

LAUSD Parents for COVID Safe Schools, an advocacy group that aims to trap Angelenos in fear and Californians in constant terror, continues. The group touts itself as a group of “parents advocating for common-sense, cost-effective safety at school: safe air (12 ACH), outdoor eating, and smarter testing.”

You read that right…”outdoor eating.” Can’t have those children eating indoors, protected from the elements in the building their parents pay for. Oh, the horror!

To be sure, we have the group. @LAParents1 on Twitter) wants everyone to know that they also operate as a snitch line in case anyone happens to see a sick kid, or worse…someone Inside eating

Los Angeles Unified School District parents will feel at ease returning to school knowing that every sniffle has been reported and no morsel is being eaten indoors.

It can be no coincidence that this concerned group of “parents” is promoting the very same policies being touted by Dr. Barbara Ferrer and the Los Angeles teachers union. These connections are incestuous, and they can be deadly.

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