Liz Cheney Has One Last Whine, as Latest Poll Seals Her Fate – Opinion

Now it’s time for the countdown. Only four days remain until Rep. Liz Cheney (R.WY), gets the boot during her August 16 Wyoming primary.

Cheney tried desperately to grab any win that she could. She’s had her father appeal to people to vote for her by attacking President Donald Trump. She’s also appealed to Democrats to vote for her. Both those things, of course, would be more likely to make Wyoming’s very Republican voters vote for her opponent.

Cheney still has one more whine. She doesn’t talk about Wyoming or anything that might concern voters with all the issues that are crushing the people now — she talks about her obsession to get Trump. Trump is being attacked for questioning her election, as she believes that it threatens our Republic.

That’s why I am asking questions. Which party is she now supporting? She’s standing with the Democrats in their efforts to attack Republicans and get Trump. They are also the ones who in the past have challenged elections and labeled them unlegitimate.

Here’s the guy she is standing with on her Jan. 6 Committee — Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), objecting to the electors for Trump.

She’s part of a Committee that wouldn’t allow any evidence to rebut the narrative that they have been pushing against Trump, including that he called on people to act peacefully.

Liz Cheney doesn’t believe in honesty or the rule-of-law. She’s standing with the people who want to drive the country to the far left and destroy the Republic. She’s a Republican.

The latest poll regarding her race sealed her fate. According to the 2022 Wyoming Primary Election Survey conducted by the University of Wyoming’s Survey & Analysis Center, her opponent, Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman, is up by nearly 30 points — 57.4 percent to Cheney at 27.8 percent.

Almost 98 percent of Democrats are for her — that pretty much says it all right there. Except that won’t help her much as there aren’t that many Democrats in Wyoming, so even if they all crossed over to vote for her, as we see with this poll, it isn’t going to do much.

She thinks that she’s going to run for president in 2024, but she still doesn’t get that the Democrats, after using her, will throw her under the bus and go back to hating her family as they have in the past. She’s tanked her future and there’s only one role left — her being the “Republican” political commentator on CNN or MSNBC.

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