Yours truly, a month ago, stepped from the desk below the decks on the Good Pirate Ship RedState to finish a piece of writing This.
The Ghost Dance, at its heart, was an exercise of extreme wishful thinking. It believed that ritual and ceremony could somehow bring about the supernatural transformations of history and the earth. Although it claimed they could not be related, which turned out to be completely irrelevant, the Ghost Dance believed that words and actions would lead to a utopian state. It didn’t work. It couldn’t work. It will never work.
Why is the Biden administration performing its Ghost Dances?
The dance is still going on, regrettably. St. Vitus pace for the nation and the world. It’s not just reserved for the Biden Administration. This madness is spreading to all liberals, except Kyrsten Sinema. While her core philosophies are unmistakably leftist, Sinema retains functioning sanity threads such as realizing eliminating the filibuster does not equal guaranteeing voting rights that aren’t being threatened in the first place.
Multiple levels are involved in the St. Vitus modern dance. This causes people who are not intelligent to believe that the economy is doing well, when in fact it’s quite the opposite. To alleviate mental illness, it recommends classes in kickboxing over COVID lockdowns that are imposed on aspiring feudal rulers. It reacts to murders by criminally insane or simply evil-drenched homeless by complaining about people calling someone an “offensive” name. It blames public companies for crimes committed publicly. This grotesque act of inanity shuts down its eyes and pretends it knows all. It claims that it is the only one who can solve all human problems. However, all facts are ignored. Theranos is LARPing as Thanos and is determined to end all things.
Ronald Reagan, the great man Quipped, “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant. It’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” Liberalism specializes in pseudoknowledge. It screams, “Trust the science,” yet refuses to remember the science can’t tell the same story twice. It preaches the gospel of masks that don’t work and vaccines that don’t appear to work no matter how many times one does the jab jump ‘n jive. While it extols the virtues of helping others, reality is that taxpayer money is its only source of help. Politicians shout more money is needed, and the homeless and junkies get left to die in their own trash.
This failure is now imminent on an international level, with live ammunition deliberately thrown around. It is a Russian aggression in Ukraine is possible. China attacks Taiwan is now a matter of when, not if. Our Militia of PC-obsessed soldiers is in no position to assist our allies. NATO is just a circus.. A song that you once heard. Like foolish puppets, who long to be kings yet are now left in a pitifully reduced state after cutting their own strings, so we all look like fools. NeverTrumpets!
Not cultural withdrawal, but educated engagement must counterliberalism. Paul, the apostle, once stated that liberalism must be countered. Comment that it was no trouble for him to write the same things to a church via epistle, and it was a safeguard to the church. Act, don’t react. Please read Hayek, HazlittPlease see the following: Adam Smith. Get familiar with Federalist Papers. Listen to the truth and ignore soundbytes. You don’t need to listen to all the hype; you can work your way through the source. You can find those with a solid body of work. Trust to correctly analyze. You can interact with others outside your political realm. Recall the above. referencing the apostle Paul, let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Liberalism today is determined to eliminate all obstacles in its way, while simultaneously proclaiming it to be the Savior. It’s not. Only one Savior exists. You must respond and then live accordingly.
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