LGBT Media Fear ‘Homophobe’ Jackson Could Coach Again In NBA

The LGBT cancel mob fears that Mark Jackson, a devout Christian, may be offered a job as a coach in the NBA. Jackson was a member of the league between 1987 and 2004. He is currently No. He is 4th all-time for assists. His broadcasting and coaching of NBA games has been his passion since retirement. 

Jackson turned the Golden State Warriors from losers into winners in 2014. Recently he’s been named in connection with coaching vacancies for the Sacramento Kings and Los Angeles Lakers. 

Perish that thought, writes Cyd Zeigler of the LGBT-rabid SB Nation Outsports blog. Jackson faces “allegations of graphic homophobia” (whatever that is), Zeigler’s headline cries out. Jackson is portrayed by Zeigler as an antigay extremist. 

“Stories and rumors about anti-gay comments by Jackson have floated around for years. Now they’re resurfacing, with some new claims. 

“We’ve previously written about claims that a rift had developed on the Warriors when Jackson allegedly vocalized opposition to same-sex marriage, despite the team president at the time, Rick Welts, being gay.” 

Zeigler also claims Jackson called Jason Collins (a former NBA player who came out of closet upon his retirement) and Welts ‘‘penis grabbers’ who were ‘going to hell.’” 

Outsports says the Kings and Lakers can’t have a Christian coach because they have LGBT employees and robust pride nights. If they’re putting the LGBT agenda ahead of the product they display on the court then it’s not surprising both teams suffered losing seasons this year. 

Zeigler slanders Jackson further by claiming that Jackson may not be able to coach again in the NBA. But if he does, “he will have to specifically address these allegations and how he feels today about Collins, Welts, same-sex marriage and LGBTQ people in general.” 

For the last few years, Jackson has fallen prey to Christian phobia. As I reported in 2019, Sports Illustrated red-flagged Jackson’s aspirations to coach again because his faith is at odds with the NBA’s progressivism and submission to LGBT pressure groups. In the same story, I mentioned that Warriors’ forward Andre Iguodala said Jackson “may be the victim of blackballing by the NBA for expressing his religious beliefs about homosexuality.” 

Sports Illustrated complained also that Jackson, Golden State’s coach and pastor, frequently live-streamed services from his Warriors facility to his congregation. Big deal. Every Sunday, baseball teams have chapel services.  

Jackson said, “As a Christian man, I have beliefs of what’s right and what’s wrong … That being said, I know Jason Collins, I know his family, and am certainly praying for them at this time.”  

This anti-Christian hatred is both pathetically and hatefully displayed. How do Jackson’s critics justify canceling him over his faith with the NBA’s plans to play preseason games in United Arab Emirates city of Abu Dhabi? The crime of homosexuality in this country is to commit a crime, and it can result in your death. Zeigler did not mention it in the hit piece.

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