‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Song Tops iTunes Charts

“Let’s Go Brandon,” the popular anti-Biden song making waves online, has topped the iTunes charts.

The song was listed as #1 and #2 on the iTunes charts, displacing Adele’s highly-anticipated “Easy On Me.” Bryson Gray’s version of the hit was listed as the number one purchase, while Loza Alexander’s was number two. 

TikTok quickly made the song, which was based on a popular euphemism, viral.

Hollywood is apparently upset at the song’s success.

“Patriots! “We are in war. Hollywood predicts that Adele will be back at number one by tomorrow. They call our song “idiotic”. They are pissed,” rapper Bryson Gray tweeted along with screenshots of left-leaning outlets slamming “moronic” song. “We are at WAR. Read this!” the tweetAdditional.

The song was banned on YouTube and Instagram for containing “medical misinformation.”

Fox News reported that the lyric version of the video was originally banned, “but then the actual music video was taken down.”

“YouTube has banned “Let’s Go Brandon” song from YouTube due to “medical information”. The song contains medical misinformation. Whoa,” Gray tweetedReferring to the ban

Gray did not seem discouraged about the ban.

“WE DID IT. From BANNED TO YOUTUBE, TO PASSING ADELE TO THE ITUNES CHARTS TO BECOME THE TOP SONG IN THE COUNTRY Gray tweetedYou can do it. “Stop being afraid of censorship. Do not be afraid that you will lose your job. Stand up. Thank y’all so much! KEEP IT GOING!”

Instagram later banned the video for containing “harmful false information”

“Instagram just banned the music video also. Haha cute but it’s too late,” he added.

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