Leftists Lose It On CNN’s Jake Tapper After Making the Mistake of Doing Something a Moderate Would – Opinion

Jake Tapper is not a moderate. He’s made it clear that he’s very supportive of the left and will happily jump on any bandwagon that even remotely looks like it might be anti-Trump. Sources say Tapper may actually be the last person on the list to leave the network, as CNN continues its purge of leftist influence.

(READ: CNN Axed Brian Stelter, buț Word Is They’re Not Done With the Purge Yet)

Tapper could be seeking to stay a bit less extreme, it seems. Whether he’s looking to spare himself from the falling axe or present himself as a centered journalist capable of seeing things from both sides for his next potential employer, Tapper is now giving platform to right-leaning sources.

As first reported by Caleb Howe at Mediaite, Tapper tweeted out an article from the Washington Examiner detailing how Mehmet Oz could defeat John Fetterman in Pennsylvania’s Senate Race.

Tapper didn’t offer much else in terms of commentary. Tapper was, as everyone knows, giving people an idea of how the right may approach Fetterman.

It doesn’t matter. The fact that Tapper would even allow a right-leaning site to be mentioned on his account without it being followed by “are racist homophobes” was enough to set off the leftist blue-checked outrage brigades. Tapper received a lot of hateful and angry comments, according to Howe. While some accused Tapper of applying to Fox News, others accused him as trying to impress Chris Licht. Many saw it as an indication that CNN was changing and journalism was dead.

The most devastating blow came from Andy Kindler who gave Tapper the deepest cut you can give a leftist…he’s a secret Trump supporter.

That said, some people’s suspicions may not be entirely wrong. Tapper’s leftism was a good thing to have during CNN’s age of Zucker, but CNN’s parent company Warner Bros. is clearly making moves to shake itself from the chains of woke culture and hard-leftism. David Zaslav, Warner CEO is on an aggressive crusade against hard-left influences at the expense of billions. This includes CNN, a network that had fallen so deep into the Democrat Party’s dark recesses that it had become a propaganda network. Zaslav insinuated that Warner’s news channel had become an “advocacy network” and that things would begin to change to bring it back to the center.

This began with the firing of Brian Stelter and the termination of his show “Reliable Sources,” known for being a hard-left program with an unhealthy obsession with Fox News.

(READ: Warner Bros. Seems to be abandoning leftism between the firing of Brian Stelter, and the cancellation of Batgirl)

Tapper may be seeing signs. He could tweet out right-leaning resources in an effort to seem more moderate and save himself his career. But the damage could already be done. We’ll see in the coming months, but former CNN viewers should probably brace themselves as hosts that would typically scratch their ideological itches begin to introduce a bit more red to their blue.

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