‘Leftist’ Makes Insane Argument That Government Should Pay Women to Have Babies if Abortion Is Banned – Opinion

The illogical “logic” of the left is a sight to behold. From efforts to ban Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners because evil people commit evil acts with guns; to preaching tolerance and inclusion to the rest of us, while leftists themselves are among the most intolerant group of people on the planet; to the Democrat Party’s claim to be the party of children, while fervently supporting on-demand abortion until birth.

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s June announcement of its decision to overturn Roe V. Wade self-proclaimed “Leftist” Ren Brabenec made headlines for suggesting that “preventing unwanted pregnancies” could be achieved with legislation mandating vasectomies for all males once they reach puberty. Prior to such vasectomies, the left-wing gadfly said, “young men can donate to sperm banks, preserving their seed for future child-rearing.” (Somewhere, George Orwell continues to say “I told you so.”)

Brabenec wasn’t even finished. The Blaze reports that Brabenec also argued in another article, “If abortions are banned, women should get paid by government for the right to have children.”

Before we continue, let’s remember that despite the left’s histrionics, the overturn of Roe did not prohibit abortion; rather, it returned authority to the residents of the states and their elected representatives to decide each state’s abortion-related issues.

An opinion piece entitled If a government forces women to give birth, they must compensate them for the labor. Brabenec writes, “Human capital is the economy’s most valuable asset,” adding: “If the government forces women to produce it, it must pay them.”

The government should pay mothers if it wants to make motherhood a mandatory act. Mothers must be paid well above the average welfare rate. Women forced to produce the economy’s most valuable asset deserve at least the salary of the average American worker.


The U.S. has long acknowledged that compelling human beings to perform labor requires compensation (at least when it’s men doing the labor). The draft recognized the need for fair compensation to force men into the fire. All but 8 states have inmates who are compensated for their labor.

Crazy? Brabenec makes a mockery of the Constitution by trying to argue that taxpayers should be paying pregnant women.

Perhaps most importantly, our country’s Constitution has a thing or two to say about forced labor and controlled property. Americans are protected by the 13th Amendment, which protects them from involuntary servitude. The Fifth Amendment prevents private property being taken for public purposes.

Our Constitution states that women can’t be forced to labor or have a child to term. Women also cannot have their property, the uterus, taken by the state for human capital production. But if this is to be the new normal, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s blindered reading of American history, the government must step up and compensate women.

Prohibiting on-demand abortion until birth, if a state’s elected lawmakers decide to do so, is not compelling a woman to perform (uncompensated), or controlling property; it is Protecting yourself from being murderedThe least protected among us are those who can’t protect themselves. The notion that a woman’s uterus is “property seized by the state to produce human capital” tops the Planet Looney Tunes chart as truly bizarre.

Au contraire, argues Brabenec:

Roe v. Wade helped many women climb the economic ladder. Women could delay becoming mothers by having legal abortion access. This allowed them to complete college and spend more time working in the workforce. They also had higher earning jobs. Roe is gone and the government must now pay up if it wants to take away the right of abortion for all people.

Brabenec “forgets” the part about no one Force a woman’s to become pregnant.

The decision to become pregnant is one that a woman has made, whether she wants it or not. Unwillingly by failing to responsibly practice birth control — including decisions made by her partner. To be clear, I am not including in my argument cases rape or incest, or cases where the would-be mother’s health is in danger, as most states — even those with the strictest abortion laws in the country — also take into consideration.

In closing, Brabenec writes:

If America’s vocal minority intends to move our society away from a democracy founded on human rights, and if this minority intends to flirt with a brand of evangelical authoritarianism that would force births and strip the bodily autonomy of 51% of the population, the least the government can do is compensate mothers.

Let’s get to the bottom of it:

Before I started writing the article, Ren Brabenec was a name that I’d never heard of. This is likely to be the same for many readers. So my usual disclaimer is called for: Brabenec might be irrelevant but his opinions are not — in the larger sense of leftist groupthink. As is often the case with the mindset of the left, if you (third person) screw up, solely through actions or inactions ofYou own making, it is somehow the responsibility of the federal government — hardworking U.S. taxpayers — to pay for your mistakes.

It is absurd. Our individual responsibility is ours.Own actions.

Americans have the responsibility of taking care of others, even though we are Americans. It is impossibleTake care of yourself, don’t be burdened by the responsibility of others It won’tTake care of yourself.

That moral reality will never be changed by leftist groupthink.

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