Lefties Praise Documentary About 11,000 Illegal Abortions

As the Dobbs decision looms on the horizon, the media is harping on abortion “rights” harder than ever. 

HBO released a documentary on Wednesday called “The Janes,” about the wave of underground abortions by a network of women in the 1960s and ‘70s. It is a film about women who broke the law to murder babies but has been painted by the media as “hopeful,” a symbol of bravery, and a “must watch.”

This documentary trailer is available since May 10th, eight days following the publication of the Dobbs draft by the U.S. Supreme Court. It was made in response to the possibility that the Roe v. Wade decision may be overturned. 

Before Roe passed in the Supreme Court in ‘73, women sought to break the law and obtain abortions illegally. “The Janes” were a group of women who terminated more than 11,000 unwanted pregnancies in just four years. In some states, it was illegal to have an abortion at that time. Janes distributed cryptic ads and flyers in order to spread their message about their services. They were not caught. “Pregnant? Call Jane,” they’d write. 

The underground abortion ring was founded by Heather Booth in ‘68. Booth had a friend that wanted “to help his ‘nearly suicidal’ sister end an unplanned pregnancy,” according to New York Post. Booth’s story is one of the 11 on-camera interviews highlighted through the documentary.

Chicago Police arrested The Janes in 1972. They were facing charges of up to 110 years. The charges against Roe were dismissed in 1973 after the decision. 

The HBO documentary is a praise for these accomplices of murder and leftie “news” outlets and blue checks are hailing the film.



Despite the left’s roaring applause for a film that celebrates murder, it’s important to note that the documentary comes at a time where a monumental decision about life is about to be made. The left clearly supports the killing of babies and I pray the Supreme Court justices take the necessary steps to stop this. 

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