Latest SCOTUS Update on Roe Shows Radical Pro-Abortion Tactics Backfiring – Opinion

Leaked majority decision to overturn Roe V. WadeJustice Samuel Alito wrote the infamous “The Firestorm,” which sparked a storm of reactions from the left. This included violence and intimidation. But it remains to be seen where matters actually stand at the Supreme Court.

Last week’s report stated that there were no votes for overturning the decision. Roewere not changed. However, the report stated that John Roberts would try to persuade his coworkers to make a moderater decision. RoeBut striking the viability threshold in pro-life legislation. It would not be legal and it wouldn’t work. Instead, this would only serve to fuel divisions around abortion and be an attempt to appease leftists.

Is that really an attempt to appease? Are some conservatives willing to switch sides? A fresh update on the matter tells a different story, and it appears that the left’s ridiculous, illegal tactics are backfiring.

Justice Samuel Alito’s sweeping and blunt draft majority opinion from February overturning Roe remains the court’s only circulated draft in the pending Mississippi abortion case, POLITICO has learned, and none of the conservative justices who initially sided with Alito have to date switched their votes. There have not been any draft opinions from justices other than the three liberals.

Now, it has been over one week since the leak and still no changes to the votes. Further, Alito’s draft was from February, yet there has not been another majority decision written up and circulated over the course of the last three months in an attempt to soften the ruling. That doesn’t mean the final draft won’t be changed, but it does mean that those changes will likely only be in response to the dissents in order to strengthen the overturning of Roe. If Roberts was going to try to win support with a different majority decision, you’d think he’d have made that effort by now.

It looks as if the left’s aggressive response, including protesting outside the homes of the Justices, is not paying dividends. The fact that no one has changed the outcome of their vote is proof enough. A justice flipping now could damage the court’s credibility and make it appear that the court has given in to pressure. What incentive would there be to cave to such radicals? A Roberts-mold watered down decision would also cause them to lose their heads.

In short, while it’s frustrating to see the left lash out the way it is, in this case, it’s probably best to let them dig their own political grave. The law must be applied so Alito’s family and others can continue to live peacefully. This is an issue that the Democrats are losing, not only at the Supreme Court but also, I believe, in November, because of its political implications.

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