Latest Poll Is a Mixed Bag for the January 6th Committee and Donald Trump – Opinion

Things are not looking good for the January 6th Committee. Things have not been going well since the initial statement, despite all the hype and media servitude.

We’ve seen hearings postponed, the total number of hearings reduced, and most importantly, zero evidence of a vast, Trump-led conspiracy to attack the Capitol and execute a “coup” has been presented. To the extent that the committee has had any impact, it’s been to confirm the priors of too-online, beltway-dwelling liberals.

Most people simply aren’t paying attention, something confirmed by the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll. Though, as we’ll get to, the survey includes some less than stellar news for Donald Trump as well.

With only 34 percent of Americans closely following the hearings, it’s just not the big, game-changing production Democrats wanted it to be. They wouldn’t be following closely, why? All the information was known and Liz Cheney keeps promising to deliver a last blow against President Obama, but it never comes.

If the committee had such evidence of criminal activity, don’t you think they would have led with that during their primetime presentation? That they didn’t is indicative of how weak their case is. It was established as an electoral tool and is intended to prevent Trump’s candidacy for the 2020 election. This committee wasn’t set up to conduct a legal investigation.

Yet, 58% of Americans think Trump should face criminal charges. However, this number must be understood in context. In the January poll, 54% of respondents said exactly the same thing. This means that the committee is failing to make any changes beyond what the margin allows. If that’s not a failure, I don’t know what is.

I’d also posit that some not-insignificant portion of the “charge Trump” crowd really just want him off the national stage and see this as an easy way to reach that end. He is not supposed to be accused of any crime. He clearly didn’t incite the riot, having told the crowd to peacefully protest, and there’s been no proof of any conspiracy to breach the Capitol presented. Even if one thinks Trump’s behavior was immoral, that’s not a crime.

But, you have to be aware that many Americans do not participate in politics. Even though they are concerned about the 2020 election, most Americans see the January 6th videos and want to continue their journey. For them, part of that is Trump riding off into the sunset–instead of mounting another run at 78 years old. You don’t have to agree with that, but that’s the dynamic at play.

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