Late to the Party: WashPost Publishes Bombshells Confirming Hunter Biden Laptop

Late Wednesday morning, The Washington Post We decided to do so, according to our Tim Graham tweeted, Democracy Has a Sunrise instead of Dying in Darkness as reporters Matt Viser, Tom Hamburger, and Craig Timberg published two bombshell articles acknowledging the existence of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop and detailing the First Son’s life of corruption as it relates to a Chinese energy company.

The trio’s admission came a year and a half after the laptop Was first exposedBy the New York PostBetween them, a full-court press followed by open collusion. Big TechBiden’s campaign, liberal media and Censure and silence those who merely shared the New York paper’s groundbreaking story.

As we Find it after the 2020 election, 9.4 percent of Biden voters in swing states wouldn’t have voted for him if they had been made aware of his son’s negligence.

“Here’s how The Post analyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop”Posted first, and did the Daily Caller’s work was able do back on October 29, 2020, which was analyze and verify its validity as “unquestionably authentic.”

Viser, Hamburger and Timberg explain in their leads “[t]housands of emails purportedly from the laptop computer of Hunter Biden…are authentic communications that can be verified through cryptographic signatures from Google and other technology companies.”

They soon added that they were “a small fraction of 217 gigabytes of data provided to The Post in June 2021 “on a portable hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey” with copies of files from his laptop because “[t]he vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Postthough “neither found clear evidence of tampering.”

The Post Blame the inconsistency. “sloppy handling of the data, which damaged some records”The effects on its “cryptographic features” and the Delaware repair shop owner’s copy having been “repeatedly accessed and copied…over nearly three years”While the FBI owns the original.

They then shamelessly downplayed the lies and screeches about the laptop being Russian disinformation (click “expand”):

The contents of Biden’s laptop computer have sparked debate and controversy since the New York PostIn the final month of 2020’s presidential campaign, news agencies reported stories that were based on purported data taken from the database.

This data has been interpreted by many Republicans as evidence of Hunter Biden’s misbehavior that led to his father being implicated in scandal. Democrats, however, have dismissed the information as possible disinformation. Perhaps it was pushed by Russian operatives in an well-documented attempt to subvert Biden. Facebook and Twitter in 2020 restricted distribution of stories about the drive’s contents out of concern that the revelations might have resulted from a nefarious hacking campaign intended to upend the election, much as Russian hacks of sensitive Democratic Party emails shaped the trajectory of the 2016 election.

The Washington Post’s forensic findings are unlikely to resolve that debate, offering instead only the limited revelation that some of the data on the portable drive appears to be authentic. According to security specialists who looked at the data, The Post We were unable to make a definitive conclusion about its contents, such as whether it was all created on a single computer or assembled from different files and placed onto the portable drive.


Portable drives are available for The Post It contains 28,000 individual user files. These include documents, images, videos, and chat logs. Green and Williams found that almost 22,000 of those emails contained cryptographic signatures, which could be used to verify the files using technology that is difficult for sophisticated hackers.

The nearly 3,000-word story said the “cryptographic signatures are a way for the company that handles the email — in the case of most of these, Google — to provide proof that the message came from a verified account and has not been altered in some way” with any changes rendering the emails “unverifiable.”

It is important to downplay the 22,000 confirmed E-mails. “routine messages, such as political newsletters, fundraising appeals, hotel receipts, news alerts, product ads, real estate listings And notifications related to his daughters’ schools or sports teams” and “bank notifications,” They said that others had touched upon his business dealings in China with the Chinese energy group CEFC (covered by their second story), and Ukraine’s energy company Burisma.

D.C. papers traced Hunter’s journey from April 12th, 2019, when Hunter left it. With Hunter refusing to return his calls and the first Trump impeachment swirling, John Paul Mac Isaac “contacted the FBI” in July 2019 and, five months later, they picked it up.

According Mac Isaac’s lawyer, he made a copy “in case he was ever thrown under the bus as a result of what he knew.” Sure enough, his intuition was spot on.

The copy made its way outside his orbit in August 2020 via Rudy Giuliani as Mac Isaac’s other attempts to contact members of Congress failed. Giuliani obtained it shortly thereafter and later gave it to the New York Post.

Now, here’s where The Washington Post explained why they couldn’t easily identify its full contents. More or less, it pertained to repeated copying and slight alterations to its organization, but they were able to all but rule out hacking or manipulation (despite attempts by the liberal paper to give Resistance types reason to say its not a done deal) (click “expand”):

Green and Williams examined the evidence and found that Hunter Biden was not the only one who had access to the drive. They also discovered evidence of Hunter Biden writing files there, before or after they were first reported in the stories. New York Post The FBI was notified of the theft long after the computer had been handed over.

Maxey had alerted The Washington Post I was notified of the issue before it happened, stating that someone else had accessed the data in order to review its contents or make copies. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.

“The drive is a mess,” Green said.

The portable drive that he got from The Post was likened to a crime scene where detectives arrive and find Big Mac wrappers left by previous officers, which contaminates the evidence.

Williams echoed this sentiment.

“From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster,” Williams said. Williams is being paid by the Post for his professional services. Green declined payment.)

Williams and Green both agreed that the authentic emails with cryptographic signatures were genuine, although there was some variation in the emails Green and Williams could verify using their respective forensic tools. According to them, the best cryptographic signatures were provided by technology giants like Google. They alone account for nearly 16,000 confirmed emails.

Although neither expert could find evidence of hacker manipulation in individual files or emails, they were unable to exclude the possibility.

The researchers also pointed out that cryptographic signatures are able to verify an email sent from a specific account but cannot be used as a way of verifying who sent it. Hackers sometimes create fake email accounts or gain access to authentic ones as part of disinformation campaigns — a possibility that cannot be ruled out with regard to the email files on Biden’s laptop.


Analysis was made significantly more difficult, both experts said, because the data had been handled repeatedly in a manner that deleted logs and other files that forensic experts use to establish a file’s authenticity.

“No evidence of tampering was discovered, but as noted throughout, several key pieces of evidence useful in discovering tampering were not available,” Williams’ reports concluded.

The copy is also explained in detail. All of the aboveTo what extent? New York Post And Daily Mail Exposed long ago, as more than e-mails. Tony Bobulinski a vaguely alludes to this claim about ten per cent of the CEFC deal being made for. “the big guy,” Team Biden lying about the email at the heart of the original New York Post story (click “expand”):

Green, working with two graduate students, verified 1,828 emails — less than 2 percent of the total — but struggled with others that had technical flaws they could not resolve. He said the most common problems resulted from alterations caused when the MacBook’s mail-handling software downloaded files with attachments in a way that made cryptographic verification of those messages difficult.


According to Williams’ tallies, which were not able to verify the emails but included hundreds of thousands of documents including over 36,000 images and 36,000 iMessage chat entries. The Post could verify the authenticity of some files (e.g. bank documents) in a few cases by getting copies from other sources.


The April 17th 2015 email from Pozharskyi contained one of his verified emails. It was used as the subject of the New York Post’s initial story. It thanked Hunter Biden “for inviting me to DC and giving me an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.”

When the email first emerged in the New York Post about three weeks before the 2020 election, the Biden campaign and Hunter Biden’s lawyer both denied that Pozharskyi had ever met with Joe Biden. The White House informed The Post about previous denials when it was asked recently about the email.

Because the messages did not have cryptographic signatures, it was impossible to verify some emails that were on the drive. One such email was widely described as referring to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and suggesting the elder Biden would receive a cut of a business deal. While one recipient of this email has publicly confirmed its authenticity, President Biden denies any involvement in any business agreements.

Moving to the next story “Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company,” Viser, Hamburger, and Timberg dove into Hunter’s dealings with CEFC, much of which had long been Bobulinski brought this to our attentionTucker Carlson Tonight Interview, Oct 27, 2020.

They were ready to go: “While many aspects of Hunter Biden’s financial arrangement with CEFC China Energy have been previously reported and were included in a Republican-led Senate report from 2020, a Washington Post review confirmed many of the key details and found additional documents showing Biden family interactions with Chinese executives.”

According to the article, Hunter was paid $4.8 Million by CEFC in less than a year. “government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.”

You can, of course. The Washington Post The President and his staff made it clear that they did not find any evidence. “evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions” Even though it is a terrible ordeal “illustrate[d] the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over Joe Biden’s decades in public service.”

As they did in the first story, the Bezos paper shrugged off the “Russian disinformation” gaslighting, downplaying the move as having been raised by “Biden aides and some former U.S. intelligence officials” as well as congressional Democrats.

Doing what they had refused to do until Joe Biden was elected president, The Washington Post laid out a timeline of Hunter’s relationship with the Chinese company with “ties to the Communist Party and People’s Liberation Army” (click “expand”):

Hunter Biden never realized the potential energy projects he had discussed with CEFC.

According to joint agreements and bank records, Hunter Biden accounts received $3.79 Million in CEFC consulting contract payments. The Post.

Biden also received an $1 million retainer. It was part of an agreement to help Patrick Ho (a CEFC official), who would be later charged in the United States with conspiring to bribe Chadian and Ugandan leaders. The retainer agreement was found in an undiscovered document and signed by Hunter Biden as well as Ho. Ho was sentenced to three year imprisonment.


An intermediary from CEFC initially reached out to Hunter Biden in December 2015 to set up a meeting between the then-vice president’s son and Ye Jianming, the founder and chairman of the Chinese firm, according to verified emails from a purported copy of the laptop hard drive reviewed by the outside experts for The Post.


Hunter Biden and Ye reconnected in Miami just a few days after Joe Biden stepped down as Vice President.

According to a July 2019 report, the two men discussed opportunities in business for CEFC USA, which included a $40 million joint venture in Louisiana to produce liquefied gas. New YorkerReport based upon extensive interviews with Hunter Biden.

That deal failed. However, Ye Jianming was pleased enough with Hunter Biden’s initial meeting that he sent Hunter Biden a 2.8-carat Diamond and a thank you card. New Yorker.


Early August 2017 saw the rapid execution of a larger deal for Hunter Biden’s consulting services with CEFC.

According to the contract signed Aug. 2, 2017, Hunter Biden would be eligible for a $500,000 retainer and would also receive a $100,000 monthly stipend. James Biden will get $65,000 per calendar month.

An unsigned copy of the agreement was found on the purported copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive. A signed copy was attached to bank records that were provided by Grassley. It was then reviewed and approved by The Post. The 26-page agreement stipulated that they would jointly invest in a Hudson West III LLC.

The money began flowing almost immediately, with the first incoming wire of $5 million arriving on Aug. 8, 2017, according to documents found on the copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop and corroborated by identical bank statements that Grassley’s office obtained from Cathay Bank for an account jointly held by Hunter Biden and CEFC executives.

According to documents, $4.8million was left after expenses and personal costs. The bulk, or approximately $4.8million, was transferred over a period of 14 months to Hunter Biden’s account, in small increments of $165,000 each. During that time period, about $1.4 million was transferred from Hunter’s account to Lion Hall Group, the consulting firm that James Biden ran, according to other government records reviewed by The Post.

While they insisted the now-President had no involvement, Viser, Hamburger, and Timberg noted that, according to emails on the laptop, Joe was one of four people whom Hunter requested office keys for when he “requested changes to the fifth-floor office space he was renting” in Georgetown, including signage to read “The Biden Foundation and Hudson West (CEFC- US).”

Hunter is also available. “provided what he said was his father’s cellphone number, saying an office representative could use it to contact his new office mates.”

As matters crumbled with CEFC, Hunter threatened a lawsuit in Delaware where he bragged about “know[ing] every judge in the chancery court.” 

By November of that year, a CEFC official “dissolv[ed] Hudson West III LLC, the company that linked the Bidens to CEFC” at “an office…less than an hour’s drive from the Biden family home.”

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