We’re one more day until the primary hammer is about to fall on Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and we can throw our “Buh-bye” party.
In the last poll from the University of Wyoming, she’s down about 30 points to her opponent, Harriet Hageman. She’s down to pleading with Democrats to crossover to vote for her and save her. But even if they were so inclined, there aren’t enough Democrats in Wyoming to save her. Al Franken, a disgraced ex-senator, gave her his endorsement. So I’m sure that will help her.
But part of her problem is she’s spent all her time obsessed with Donald Trump, and ignored the concerns of the people of Wyoming in the process, as my colleague Joe Cunningham explained earlier. Harriet Hageman talks about issues that are of concern for Wyomingans.
Cheney called her father to run an advertisement. That might have been good — had he said anything at all about Wyoming where he was very popular once upon a time. Again, however, the commercial was all about Trump hatred. Liz even called in Hollywood liberal Kevin Costner’s support — he wore a shirt saying “I’m with Liz” and Cheney captioned it, “Real men put country over party.” Not only wasn’t Costner putting country over party there, since he seems to vote for Democrats, but she was also implicitly putting down any Wyoming men who still support Trump with that shot.
But there’s one final effort underway to save Liz Cheney and it’s pretty much in line with that whole clueless approach that she’s taken to the race so far.
The “Principles First” group which claims to be “grassroots” has been out in Wyoming doorknocking for her, as our friends over at Twitchy observed.
Good morning, Wyoming! We’re ready to put #PrinciplesFirstToday, knock on the doors and vote for the Constitution, rule of law and truth. @Liz_Cheney. Let’s do this. pic.twitter.com/Q56t5ODqFA
— Principles First (@Principles_1st) August 13, 2022
First of all, they’re very late to the game when they show up the weekend before the primary. If they think they’re going to change anything at this point, they’re sadly mistaken.
But then on top of that, the group included folks from out of the state and even someone who described himself as an “ex-GOP” in his Twitter profile. After it was discovered, he deleted the message from his Twitter profile.
Continue on to Cheyenne for a few hours!
Why should we be with @Principles_1stTraveling from another state @Liz_Cheney ?
Because she’s the member of Congress that the whole *country* needs right now. It’s that simple. Because she & our republic are that important ✊🏼🇺🇸 #FightForUS #LetsGo pic.twitter.com/UEAJgK9V2x— Polly Calhoun (@superpollygrip) August 12, 2022
.@BenNewman: “I’m here to volunteer because I think the GOP is abandoning conservative principles and our country is running short on leadership. You can say what you want about Liz—but you can’t say she isn’t a leader. And that’s exactly what we need.” #PrinciplesFirst pic.twitter.com/blgQBwh7V1
— Principles First (@Principles_1st) August 13, 2022
Gosh, @ewags82 – why’d you do that? You’re surely telling Wyomingites that you aren’t from Wyoming when you knock on their doors and ask them to vote Liz. You want them to know you’re proud ex-GOP voter? Yes? pic.twitter.com/PiSaPDSo0r
— The🐰FOO (@PolitiBunny) August 15, 2022
Seriously? The effort proves the criticism of her — that her support is from out of the state. Wyomingns don’t need people from other states telling them what they think. That’ll surely help Cheney.
The Liz Cheney side still has no clue, even in the final hours. You could choose something that would please voters already upset by Cheney’s obsessions.