On CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight on CNN, host Don Lemon asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to explain what President Joe Biden meant when he accused Republicans of holding a political philosophy of “semi-fascism.” Since nobody in the country including, presumably, the President knows what that means, Lemon thought it would be wise to ask his spokesperson Jean-Pierre. Lemon found it difficult to identify it.
Lemon got right to the question at the beginning of the interview: “the President likened what he called extreme MAGA philosophy to semi-fascism. What exactly is semi-fascism, Karine?”
Jean-Pierre went on a lengthy monologue about the alleged accomplishments of Biden for America:
First, let me say what I heard tonight from the President Don. Again, thanks for having me. This is very important. American citizens have an option, and tonight the President made it very clear. Look at all the things Democrats have accomplished and how they deliver them. Don did it in just two years. It is lower prescription drug prices, lower energy costs, historic legislation to deal with climate crises. This is important for standing up for women.
Clearly frustrated with her filibustering and avoiding the question posed to her, Lemon interjected “with all due respect. There is a limited amount of time. I want to get to all those things But if you’ll answer my question, we can get to those things.”
Lemon posed the question again “what exactly is semi-fascism?”
Instead of answering, Jean-Pierre got snotty with Lemon shrieking “by having this back and forth we are actually taking away from the time.”
Jean-Pierre falsely claimed Republicans are “attacking our democracy, they are taking away our freedom, and they are trying to put on the chopping blocks Medicare and Social Security.”
“If you look at the Republican Party, it’s being done by this element, this MAGA element of the Republican Party, and that’s what we are trying to prevent. That’s what you heard from the President today,” she continued.
Despite her lies and not actually defining what “semi-fascism” is, Lemon responded, “thank you for answering that question.”
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CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight
August 25, 2022
Eastern, 10:19:07DON LEMON: Let’s start with what the President said at a fundraiser tonight. The President spoke just prior to his rally. He compared what he termed extreme MAGA philosophy with semi-fascism. Karine, what exactly is semifascism?
KARINE Jean-PIERRE American voters have a choice, and President Obama made that clear tonight. Look at all the things Democrats have accomplished and how they deliver them. Don did it in just two years. It is lower prescription drug prices, lower energy costs, historic legislation to deal with the climate crisis. This is important for standing up for women.
LEMON: Yes, Karine.
LEMON: All of these things are important to me. Our time is limited. I want to get to all those things But if you’ll answer my question, we can get to those things.
LEMON: What’s semi-fascism, exactly?
JEAN PIERRE: Don. I was only about to ask your question.
JEAN-PIERRE : Yes, I was. You brought me here for a reason. I must talk about the President’s remarks tonight.
LEMON: I understand. LEMON: I understand. I only have limited time and I need to ensure we are clear.
JEAN-PIERRE : We are taking time away by having to go back and forth. What we see from Republicans, as well as what we’ve seen over the past few years, is that they attack our democracy and take away our freedom. They also want to chopping off Medicare and Social Security.
This is what we see, and it’s happening. It’s happening to the Republican Party by the MAGA-element of the Republican Party. That’s exactly what we want to stop. You heard that the President made this choice today. We are doing what’s best for Democrats. That’s because that is why I said it to you.
Because I want to share what we are doing and show the contrast between what we do and have done and the MAGA elements that Republicans use, I started this because we need to be clear about what that means for Americans. That’s exactly what President Obama did in Maryland tonight, and it’s something he will continue to do across the nation.
LEMON: We are grateful that you have answered our question.