Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-IL (now out), will be replaced by the new Congress in January. He isn’t running again because redistricting made it more difficult for him to win.
His disgraceful farewell song is to join the Democrats of the Jan. 6 Committee. Rep Liz Cheney (R-WY) — the other “Republican” turncoat on the Committee — is also about to get handed her walking papers by the people of Wyoming in her primary on Tuesday.
He said that President Donald Trump is the one he believes has defeated him, which is remarkable for someone so clueless like Kinzinger.
Asked in the exclusive interview if the former president had won the “Trump vs. Kinzinger war,” the Illinois Republican suggested there was no reason to sugarcoat reality.
“Yes, yeah, he won. In the short term, at least,” Kinzinger, one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, told WGN’s Ben Bradley. “There’s no use in pretending somehow I scored some major victory and saved the party.” [….]
“Maybe there wasn’t going to be a tidal wave of people to come over, but I certainly didn’t think I’d be alone,” he said. “We talk about democracy — Republicans like to talk about the Constitution — and yet we’re openly violating it now.”
It was his hubris and ignorance that led him to believe it would ever be a fight. He joined the Democrats, and ignored every evidence that refuted his Jan. 6-based narrative. The fact that almost all 10 Republicans who voted for Trump impeachment are either out of office or have lost their primaries is proof enough.
While he was talking about the “soul of the GOP,” this may also be something of an admission that the Jan. 6 Committee has nothing. Because if they did and he thought they were going to be able to nail Trump on it shortly, he likely wouldn’t be saying that. It would have been thrown out by the Committee, even if it had anything. But so far, they’ve had nothing. That said, they are going to try to throw everything they have–and don’t have–up against the wall in an effort to get Trump before the midterms; they may have the FBI helping them in that effort.
Kinzinger also criticised Democrats for backing Trump candidates during primaries instead of Republicans who voted to impeachment
“When they’re spending donor money to promote these candidates that don’t believe in democracy and then come and tell me ‘Where have all the good Republicans gone?’ that does get a little frustrating, I’ll tell you,” Kinzinger told Bradley.
Another sign of their ignorance. Hey Adam, they don’t care about you, or your fiction that you’re a “good Republican.” They don’t want “good Republicans.” They want all Republicans gone, even the ones who they’ve played like Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI) and you. It’s all about their power and control. Just like Meijer, they would toss you under the bus within a matter of minutes. You’re a “useful idiot” to advance their power grab, and to hurt one of the few people they believe is standing in their way.
If Kinzinger even thought he was consequential in the “fight,” he was sorely mistaken.