Kimmel Laments Florida Teachers Can’t Explain ‘Their Governor is a D**khead’

ABC late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel attempted to tackle the issue of Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law on his Tuesday show where he lamented that “a teacher can’t explain to a second grader that their governor is a dickhead.” He would also declare that it is “frightening” that children will not be about left-wing gender theory.

Kimmel started by condemning Florida’s passing of a law he considered unimportant.

In Florida yesterday, that controversial Parental Rights in Education bill, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill was signed into law. Doesn’t Florida have other things to worry about? Like drunk-driving their ATVs into the swamp? I mean — I kinda love it’s called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ because you have to say ‘gay’ to say it. It bans kindergarten through third grade educators from addressing topics of sexual orientation or gender identity that way they can focus on the important things like teaching the kids how to play the recorder.”



He then regretted that, “Under the new law, a teacher can’t explain to a second grader that their governor is a dickhead. It is now forbidden to use such language. It’s up to parents to explain that their governor is a dickhead.”

Kimmel then viewed a video from Gov. Ron DeSantis highlighting the existence of the genderbread man as proof that the bill is not a solution in search of a problem, but Kimmel didn’t see it that way, “And then he ate it in front of everybody. This is Governor Ron DeSantis. His pronouns include he and haw. It’s quite frightening. I mean — I know it’s funny but can you imagine if this happened in the United States?”

If it’s frightening that little children will not be taught their gender is based on subjective feelings then what is really frightening is what Kimmel would consider comforting.

This segment was sponsored and produced by Energizer Batteries.

The transcript of the show, March 29, is available here:

ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live


11.45 pm ET

JIMMY KIMMEL: In Florida yesterday, that controversial Parental Rights in Education bill, also known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill was signed into law. Doesn’t Florida have other things to worry about? Like drunk-driving their ATVs into the swamp? I mean — I kinda love it’s called “Don’t Say Gay” because you have to say “gay” to say it. But the bill itself is ridiculous. It bans kindergarten through third grade educators from addressing topics of sexual orientation or gender identity that way they can focus on the important things like teaching the kids how to play the recorder. Under the new law, a teacher can’t explain to a second grader that their governor is a dickhead. It is now forbidden to use such language. It’s up to parents to explain that their governor is a dickhead. 

RON DESANTIS: We actually have different things and this is not something that I thought was something that was going to be around, so this is something that, this is in Florida and other places, schools for very young kids, the gender-bred man, so this is trying to sow doubt about kids, about their gender identity, it’s trying to say that, you know, they can be whatever they want to be. This is inappropriate. 

KIMMEL – And then he ate his meal in front everyone. This is Governor Ron DeSantis. He is pronouned as haw and he. This is truly frightening. I mean — I know it’s funny but can you imagine if this happened in the United States?

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