Texas Governor. Greg Abbott spoke Wednesday at a conference to talk about the mass shooting that took place at Robb Elementary School, Uvalde on Tuesday. It claimed 19 lives and injured two teachers.
As we previously reported, twice-failed Democratic candidate for office Beto O’Rourke staged a pathetic political stunt at the presser against Abbott – who he is running against in the 2022 Texas gubernatorial race – and accused him and other Republicans of “doing nothing” to stop gun violence, and suggested the shooting was “totally predictable.”
The MSM started to swoon before Beto was faced by several Republicans and law enforcement.
The media swooning, as it turns out, extended all the way to Colorado where purported NBC News-Denver “journalist” Kyle Clark broke out the pom-poms for Beto by referencing how Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) “launched her political career” by confronting Beto during a 2019 presidential campaign stop in the state after his infamous comments during a September debate where he stated “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47”:
Colorado’s @laurenboebertHer political career was launched by facing @BetoORourkeOver guns during a campaign stop at Aurora in 2019 O’Rourke asked the crowd to not interrupt Boebert while she was speaking. #copolitics https://t.co/oqzMNiNi8w
— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) May 25, 2022
All the best.
I mean, you’d think the differences between the two events couldn’t be more obvious, but apparently, a map needed to be drawn out to explain why Boebert’s confrontation in 2019 was different than the one Beto deliberately staged Wednesday.
Many Twitter users wanted to get involved:
Texas Governor Rick Perry visited Uvalde in order to provide updates to grieving families and the concerned community. This was a law enforcement press conference — not a campaign event.@BetoORourkeMisjudged, and the ball swung @GregAbbott_TX and in my view — missed. https://t.co/XbAr90GRMZ
— Roger D. Hudson (@RogerHudsonCO) May 26, 2022
Terrible take on this and a false equivalence, there is a time for political statements and this isn’t one, Lauren Boebert didn’t disrespect the families and community, Robert ORourke did today.
— Heath Kuntz (@heath140) May 25, 2022
Some other differences between the two that should be noted is that Boebert wasn’t running for office at the time. She didn’t declare her candidacy until three months later and wasn’t even expected to go far, but she did. Also, to point out the obvious, she wasn’t running against Beto O’Rourke.
Beto, on the other hand is a seasoned mover and shaker in Democratic politics and – as noted above – is the 2022 Democratic gubernatorial nominee who will face Abbott in the fall. Evidently, he saw this as a perfect chance to grab attention and generate some campaign money in support of his battle against Abbott.
One Twitter user observed: “If you don’t think the Beto choreographed outburst was a stunt designed to bring in much-need campaign donations from leftists outside of Texas then you probably haven’t been following politics for the last decade (or more).”
Closing of the case
Related: MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Tries a Bizarre ‘Whataboutism’ Argument on Greg Abbott That Defies All Logic