Joe Rogan Searches for the Reason CNN’s Anchors Should Be Fired – Opinion

CNN appears to be on the verge of more axing. Joe Rogan cheers the helicopter.

According to the New York Post, in April, a new boss was planning on remodeling.

Unter [new CNN CEO Chris Licht]Executive producer, with tenures at The Late Show With Stephen Colbert and MSNBC’s Good morning, Morning JoeSources told The Post that CNN will undergo a major overhaul, which includes less opinion programming and more news.

This shift officially began with Brian Stelter being fired from on-air fame.

RedState’s Nick Arama covered the occurrence:

CNN has finally removed Brian Stelter from his program. These are reliable sources.He was terminated and the show was cancelled.

Stelter left in an end-of-the-world delusional rant, in which Stelter described himself as an angel of democracy opposing the evil fascists. The perfect example was when Stelter was kicked off the network and his final show.

This is the inspiration for this inspiring soliloquy

“It’s not partisan to stand up for decency and democracy and dialogue. It’s not partisan to stand up to demagogues. It’s required, it’s patriotic. We must make sure we don’t give platforms to those lying to our faces.”

Of course, it may not be partisan; but it also isn’t news. News doesn’t decide what is decent; it doesn’t determine demagoguery. News reports only objective facts and not Brian Stelter’s interpretations. And back to the notion of partisanship, as he sees it, “decent” means “Democrat.” A show titled “Reliable Sources”…was anything but reliably news.

Brian made a consistent observation about Joe Rogan in February without ever bothering to research his profession. Stelter believed that the MMA fighter was a journalist.

“[F]gures like Rogan are trusted by people that don’t trust real newsrooms, we have a…problem that’s much bigger than Spotify, much bigger than any single platform…but that is the heart of this right now.”

As for a CNN shakedown broadly, America’s broadest and most popular podcaster has thoughts.

You may recall last September, when the network claimed COVID-positive Joe used “horse dewormer” — known in non-deceptive circles as human medication Ivermectin.

During Friday’s installment of Joe Rogan Experience The host claimed that CNN had even fooled him with his face.

“[O]ne of the things that drove me nuts about when they were so mad at me about COVID — forget about the fact that CNN literally used a filter on my face to make me look jaundiced. … We’ve showed side-by-side clips of the original video that I posted on Instagram… And then they took that and put it through a filter that made me look yellow.”


“But all those people are gone now, which is hilarious,” he continued. “All those CNN people.”

“They’re all on the chopping block. Don Lemon’s on the chopping block. Jim Acosta. They’re all…on their way out, which is hilarious.”

Neither of the aforementioned have been nestled in “news.”

For years, Jim Acosta was billed as a reporter — a curiosity, given that he wasn’t.

Jim was released in 2019 Enemy of the People – A Dangerous Times to Tell the Truth in AmericaThe book was his way of expressing disapproval for news.

“Neutrality for the sake of neutrality doesn’t really serve us in the age of Trump.”

Don Lemon has nodded to newsiness. Last June, he faced the facts:

“When I say that the President of the United States (Donald Trump) is a fraud and a con, that was looking at his taxes and how he — and his history of litigation and not paying people. These facts are true. I don’t do opinion. And I know — the difference for me is I do point of view.”

Don’t think like that:

This, as Darth Vader’s voice has long told us,CNN.

Und This is Joe Rogan’s “point of view”:

“[T]hey should be (fired), because they suck at their job.”



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