Joe Biden’s presidency is not going well. Since at most the beginning of this summer, that much was evident. The turning point was the incompetence displayed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan which resulted in 13 Americans being killed. Biden is now among the most disapproved first-term Presidents in recent modern history.
RedState revealed that President Obama received just 37 percent of the approval rating in a Civiqs survey. USA Today reported that Biden was at just 38 percent as of days ago.
Two excuses were offered by the administration when they are asked. Two, the media have been suppressing their history of greatness through not explaining everything well. In other words, they just have a “messaging” problem. And two, that Americans are actually upset because Biden hasn’t gotten his agenda through, not because of the results of his policies. That claim extended to the Virginia governor’s race, where some asserted that Terry McAuliffe would have beaten Glenn Youngkin had the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed Congress prior to the election.
These excuses are not valid. With the assistance of some truly politically braindead Republicans, the bipartisan bill for infrastructure was approved on November 5, 2005. What’s happened since then?
Waiting for the BIF bump… Infrastructure passed Friday (11/5). Two of three polls that were conducted after BIF reveal that Biden’s approval rating has fallen. Biden’s approval rating is back at his low point of 42.2% as of now.
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) November 11, 2021
Biden, in short, threw an approval hail Mary to try and recapture some of the early-term magic. It landed safely in the endzone, as all the zeros began to count down. This was the president’s last, best shot to turn things around with the public, but they just do not care about payoffs to special interests and “climate” initiatives.
They care more about inflation in groceries and high prices for energy, as well as encroachments upon their freedom. No amount of revamped “messaging” was ever going to fix that, and certainly, another boondoggle spending bill was not the right prescription for changing public perceptions of a president that is flailing about, completely unfit for the office he holds.
Biden may be able turn some things around for some voters. Of course not with Republicans but with moderate Democrats (some which are part of that large disapproval group) and possibly independents. But that means he would have to abandon his extreme-left base, and do things that help every American. These include allowing oil and gas leases to be expanded, approving Keystone XL and reducing regulations so that the supply chain crisis is less severe. But that will not happen. To the extent that Biden is cognizant that he even is president, he’s a radical one, and I’ve never met a nearly 80-year-old man who changes who they are.