Joe Biden Doubles Down on Lies and Confusion at ‘Build Back Better’ Speech – Opinion

Joe Biden gave another speech today in support of his “build back better” agenda. As Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema and Kyrsten Szenma push for deep cuts to get a deal, the $3.5 trillion boondoggle plan is currently in jeopardy.

Biden repeated a lie that he had told less than one week ago about an Amtrak worker, who complimented Biden for his riding millions of miles.

If you are keeping track, that marks the 5th time since Biden took office that he’s repeated the false story. He actually claims that the man he mentions was dead a year ago. But lest you think he’s just off by a year, the man in question had also not worked at Amtrak since 1993. Not by two decades, memories fail. I don’t think anyone is buying that. Biden must have been corrected by someone. But he persists with the lie.

The president also got lost in translation later on. I assume he meant to say “commuter” here?

Other embarrassing incidents occurred, but I won’t dwell on them. Instead, let me point out how absurd this Biden-administration obsession with trains was. Almost all of the Americans that are being asked to fund the president’s railway dreams have no use for such a system. America is too large and too diverse for a system that relies on slow, prescheduled train services. So while Biden promises to take “millions” of cars off the road, I don’t think most people are going to abide by his plan.

This push also gives away a lot to government officials who are largely well-off and use Amtrak between New York City and Washington, D.C.

Do you know who isn’t taking a train up to Manhattan every day? The average American worker. Biden would rather spend taxpayer money on his absurd pet project. Look, I’m glad Biden really enjoyed riding Amtrak during his mediocre career, so much so that he tells lies about how prolific of a rider he was. That doesn’t mean the rest of the country should pay for his delusions. It is already in too much debt.

It is important to spend money on solutions that solve real problems. Don’t push outdated technology which will not be viable for most Americans.

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