Politics aside, it’s hard to think of a more outlandish, incompetent and inept junta than the one currently residing in the White House.
By any metric you wish to examine, the United States has taken about a half-dozen steps down the ladder towards Third World sh** hole status since Joey SoftServe was installed as president. Consider this California scene.
Crime is on the rise. The participation rate in the labor force is at an all-time low. The shelves of grocery stores are empty. Inflation is gang-banging real wages, which are falling at a time when they will be in double digits come summer. Gallup’s right-track/wrong-track shows 79% of America is asking, “Where are we going? Why are we in this handbasket?” All the international prestige built over the Trump administration was effectively burned to the ground by the shameful rout of US forces from Kabul, and Biden seems poised to double down on national disgrace by its actions in Ukraine (see Joe Biden Just Told Americans in Ukraine to Go Jump in a Lake).
Domestically, the GOP has seen a 14-point swing on the generic ballot. 28 House Democrats from solid Blue areas have stated their intention not to stand for reelection but rather to retire. Hispanic voters, which voted for Biden 60 points ahead of him in 2020, now favor Republicans over Democrats.
There was a time in history when an administration could go to sleep and try to discern their collective heads from hot rocks. But that would mean you didn’t have the brilliant political instincts of Joey SoftServe. This is from The Hill, which specializes in producing stenography for the Biden bunch under the guise of “news.”
While President Joe Biden wants to spend more time at the White House, his administration is entering its second year. Much of it will be an attempt to convince the public about the portions of his agenda that were actually made into law in Year One.
Biden spoke Wednesday at an extended press conference, saying that he would like to travel more and spend less time in Washington. This comes after one year of limited travel due to the COVID-19 epidemic as well the decision not to attend a series legislative negotiations.
“I’m going to be out on the road a lot, making the case around the country, with my colleagues who are up for reelection and others, making the case of what we did do and what we want to do, what we need to do,” the president said. “And so, I don’t think I’ve overpromised at all. And I’m going to stay on this track.”
This is just the beginning. Falling back on the old Democrat stand-by of AstroTurfed organizations, “supporters” of Biden and his agenda are producing ads touting Biden’s amazing accomplishments.
In one new ad campaign shared first with CQ Roll Call, Building Back Together, a nonprofit group backing the president’s policy agenda, is spending $1.5 million across a variety of platforms to tout the administration’s first year achievements.
According to the release, this includes radio and TV spots as well billboards, digital ads and digital advertisements. Building Back Together aims to appeal to a wide range of people, such as Black, Latino, and AAPI voters.
“From taking on the pandemic and jumpstarting the economic recovery, to proving that government can work for the people by passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and American Rescue Plan, we’re wasting no time in 2022 to communicate to Americans across the country about the enormous successes of the Biden-Harris Administration,” executive director Danielle Melfi said in a statement.
That is what I believe. It is my prediction. We all know Joe Biden’s ability to make people believe that he isn’t very bright and dishonest. We know Joe Biden can’t draw crowds except in the sense of “wtf will he say now?” You will see Democrat candidates run from him and his agenda just like Stacey Abrams did in Georgia. Joe Biden is not going to fix his own self-inflicted catastrophes. He will give America more chances to see him live. Except for Ron Klain, his staff is intelligent enough to realize this. At best, this is just a bullsh** public relations scam. This is clinical self delusion taken literally.