RedState has reported that today’s shockwaves were caused by the Kyle Rittenhouse conviction. The teenager was finally found. You are not guiltyOn all counts, he was acting in self-defense during Kenosha’s riots when he injured one man and killed another.
The hysterical reactions came fast and furious, with many left-leaning people having a complete meltdown. They truly wanted to see an innocent man thrown in prison for life in order to feed their racial narrative, which ironically doesn’t even apply to this case given it involved a white teenager shooting three white men that were attacking him.
Joe Biden was there. Surprised, Biden answered a question regarding the trial today on the White House lawn. RedState reported that President Obama praised jurors, noting that they were right and the system works.
“I stand by what the jury has to say. When asked by the president about Rittenhouse verdict per pool, he stated that “The jury system works.”
— Katie Rogers (@katierogers) November 19, 2021
President Biden takes a few questions. This is the Rittenhouse verdict. He claimed he had not watched the trial. He then spoke out about his health, as he was returning to first physical after becoming president.
— Kelly O’Donnell (@KellyO) November 19, 2021
This is for the record: When I heard his remarkablely level-headed remarks, my immediate reaction was this.
It is likely that his left side will be a victim to this. His handlers will soon be walking him back.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) November 19, 2021
It’s a shame that I said so but it is true. Within an hour, Joe Biden’s handlers in the White House released a far more pointed statement in which the president expressed anger and concern over the verdict. To further placate his far-left base that wants blood (rhetorical or not), the statement continued by using a variety of social justice buzzwords.
Before he leaves the White House to accept the turkey pardon, Biden issues a statement about Rittenhouse
“While Kenosha’s verdict will make many Americans angry and worried, I included, it is important to acknowledge that the jury did speak.”
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 19, 2021
Is Biden mad and anxious about what? It was evident that Rittenhouse acted self-defense. Within hours of shootings taking place, multiple video clips were available. After a long trial in which every stone was thrown to the wind, the jury reached the only conclusion possible: Rittenhouse wasn’t guilty of murder or attempted murder.
Further, that outcome had nothing to do with “healing our country’s wounds.” What wounds is he even talking about in this case? Rittenhouse, a white man who killed other white men for self-defense, was not a racist. Any context is exempted from the social justice narrative. This faux show of anger and care by Biden falls flat because it’s so absurd in its presentation. Do facts matter at all? Is it possible that a country’s racial divides are always the priority?
Finally, the White House is encouraging peaceful demonstrations. There’s absolutely nothing to protest here, and a responsible president would pointedly say that. All evidence was in favor of the acquittal. Demonstrations will only fuel the tensions that have been fueled by lies. Biden needs to tell people to stay home and not take to the streets in unjustified anger or concern.
This presidency has been the most predictable ever. Biden is always a target of his far-left handlers, who rush to reform his position every time he speaks something half-way not crazy. It’s so obvious he is completely beholden to the radicals, and it’s a terrible thing for a nation that desires some semblance of normalcy.