‘Janes Revenge’ Strikes Again, Massachusetts Pregnancy Center ATTACKED

I really thought we had moved beyond the lashing out irrationally surrounding Roe’s overturning — I stand corrected. 

The Bethlehem House, a Massachusetts prolife pregnancy center was targeted by pro-abort vandals. The pregnancy center was attacked by abortion activists who left spray-painted demonic messages similar to those we have seen in recent months. 

Virginia AllenImages of the attack were tweeted by Daly Signal 

Pro-aborts spray painted the center’s white benches with “Janes Revenge” and wrote “If Abortions aren’t safe Neither are YOU!” on the sidewalk.

According to Allen’s follow-up tweetThe police are said to be investigating the incident. 

After the Dobbs opinion became public and Roe was overturned in court, death activists took control of the nation. Pro-lifers were threatened, attacked, and burned down pregnant centers. The Washington Stand had 110 such attacks, with the most recent occurring in July. It was somewhat surprising that Massachusetts attacked after the attacks slowed over the past weeks. 

Massachusetts is home to Elizabeth Warren. Let’s walk down memory lane with Warren and her tract record as a pro-abortion activist.

Warren slammed the car doors in front of a reporter, when asked if they would condemn violent harassment against SCOTUS justices. Warren suggested that the federal government open abortion centers in national parks. She encouraged the shut down of pregnancy centers and wanted to call a Public Health Emergency over Roe’s overturn. We can’t forget about the moment she marched up the Supreme Court, shaking her finger violently and almost having a stroke over her desire for killing babies. 

It’s no wonder lefties in Mass attacked a pregnancy center, look who their role model is, a lunatic.

This attack and attacks alike need to be condemned by the media but based on it’s promotion of the leftist agenda, I am doubtful that will happen. 



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