‘Jane’ Strikes Again: Michigan Pregnancy Center Latest to be Attacked

Last week a prominent abortion activist group called “Jane’s Revenge” promised more attacks on pro-life centers and affirming establishments. Sunday’s performance yet again proved that some abortion activists truly believe violence is the answer. 

Late Sunday evening, vandals targeted a Michigan Pregnancy Center breaking nearly all the windows and spray-painting the scene, according to Click On Detroit. 

Gary Hillebrand, the president of Lennon Pregnancy Center Dearborn Heights in Michigan spoke to Click On Detroit about the current situation. He pointed out that protesters “Broke all the windows, basically” and said, “I feel bad for all the people who donate money, food and time here that some of that has to go to cleaning things up.”

According to reports, 11 windows were broken and three doors were shattered. There was also graffiti spray-painted on the walls. Though the graffiti has been washed off, Hillebrand mentioned that the graffiti stated, “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”

These actions are similar to the attacks Jane’s Revenge conducted in the country over the past month and a quarter. 

At the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center in Washington D.C., vandals spray painted “Jane says Revenge” and threw egg on the windows and red paint at the front door. A Catholic Church in Boulder, Colorado was vandalized with “My Body My Choice” graffiti in early May. In Buffalo, New York protestors smashed windows and sprayed “Jane Was Here” on the clinic’s siding. 

This attack on Michigan is similar to other targeted attacks in the country and could indicate that it was also a targeted attack. 

Hillebrand is in agreement. 

“I think it’s all related to Roe V. Wade coming down from the Supreme Court,” he said. “People are very upset by that, and it’s taking it out on us, strangely enough. We are trying to help women who are pregnant and who need our help.”

Lennon Pregnancy Center dedicates its efforts to women and their families in crisis. Employees reportedly assisted close to 100 women, men, and children in need of assistance, materials, or resources last month. 

Hillbrand stated that Hillbrand and his staff were committed to supporting families, despite this attack. The Dobbs decision is expected to lead to more terrorist attacks throughout the country.


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