Netflix is an intriguing beast. It’s fascinating to see how it rose to power. Blockbuster is dead. This was partly due to Blockbuster’s beloved franchise. The streaming service has produced some of today’s most talked-about television programs, such as Stranger Things, Black Mirror and House of Cards.
However, Netflix wasn’t immune from the cultural blitzkrieg of social justice advocacy, and it began producing shows that left a horrible taste in the mouths of subscribers. Its adherence to leftist “art” encouraged it to produce some of the worst stinkers in modern television history such as The Cowboy Bebop live-action remake, Dear White People, and Vikings: Vallhalla. Cuties was the worst show, hypersexualizing minors to prove its point.
When you have as large a production house and product library as Netflix does, you’re going to release some bombs, but Netflix’s wokification and its mistreatment of various properties people love were always going to cause subscribers to fling their hands into the air and walk away. With so many streaming services available, competition is only going to increase.
The Daily Wire reports that Netflix lost almost one million subscribers as of right now. And this happened very quickly.
According to the report, 970,000 people have canceled their subscriptions in the past three months. This number is a result of the huge drop in subscribers to the service during the first quarter, when the company lost over 200,000 between January and March.
While Reed Hastings, the company’s CEO, praised shows like “Ozark” and “Stranger Things” for keeping the results lower than the anticipated forecast, the company still saw its biggest loss in customers since its foundation 25 years ago.
This is an unfortunate loss considering its low-quality output. It also allows it to serve as a platform to scold the American people who are social justice obsessed. Even now, I’m seeing that its recent treatment of Resident Evil is about on par with that of Cowboy Bebop, in that it’s so infected with modern requirements that it’s hardly watchable.
It seems that Netflix is on the right track. Netflix will produce low-quality content, which appeals only to the most affluent of people. It won’t release anything worth your time more than once in a while. Go ahead and unsubscribe and come back whenever those brave enough to watch something on the channel say it’s safe to resub for a short period.
Or I would have thought that’s the case if it wasn’t for recent developments.
It’s clear Resident Evil was conceived, written, and filmed before it really hit Netflix that they were beginning to go broke because they were going woke. I think it’s one of few Netflix shows to actually follow the modernity-adherence path.
Dave Chappelle, I’m sure of it.
By now you know Chappelle’s history with Netflix. He launched a salvo directly against woke culture with his stand-up special “Sticks and Stones” which took the nation by storm. Netflix continued to grow despite constant calls for the network’s removal of his special “Sticks and Stones” which was denounced by Chappelle. The sound of ringing cash registers drowned out the left’s rage. Despite this, the lesson wouldn’t catch on for some time.
It took Chappelle’s second Netflix comedy special “The Closer” for it to truly sink in. Once again, audiences raved about Chappelle’s stand-up routine where he directly challenged the woke left, especially the LGBT outrage brigades, while the left attempted to launch an entire movement to have him canceled. Trans employees marched in front of Netflix’s office and attempted to get a rally going. While they had the support of many, their supporters also included Chappelle. Shortly after, Netflix’s LGBT protest was over. Hastings became the last nail on the coffin.
“If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you,” said Hastings in a company-wide memo.
It was one of the first times in ages that a corporate CEO told the left “no.”
The plot thickened when I was perusing through Netflix’s offerings on Tuesday night and noticed something interesting. Netflix had featured another Dave Chappelle entry, but it wasn’t a comedy special. He gave the speech at Duke Ellington School of Arts, his alma mater. They wanted to name the theater after him, as they had just renovated it.
This speech lasts approximately 30 minutes. Netflix didn’t give it much pomp and circumstance in the editing department. This could easily have been an YouTube video. Yet despite the lack of wowing visuals and flash, I couldn’t help but think the inclusion of this simple speech into its library was purposeful.
It was a fun story about Chappelle’s time at school, his career and some funny stories, but Chappelle also focused on the recent developments with his encounter with woke culture. At one point, he was addressing his alma mater’s current students about his special “The Closer” and how offended and angry they were. He commented that it “sincerely hurt me” to hear these talking points come out of “children’s faces” because he knew these kids didn’t come up with those words.
He was more bothered by something else.
“These kids said everything about gender and this and that and the other, but they didn’t say anything about art,” Chappelle said.
Chappelle does something remarkable at the end of his speech. Not out of spite but to send a message to culture, he declined to name the theatre after him. He unveiled the new name of the theater to be the “Theater for Artistic Freedom and Expression.”
Keep in mind this is footage of a speech released by Netflix after it not only released Chappelle’s specials but also specials by Ricky Gervais and Bill Burr, both of whom challenge woke culture as well.
(READ: Netflix’s New Ricky Gervais Exclusive Could Be Why Netflix Sends Out Its Memo That Suggests Woke Employees Quit).
Netflix is trying to get away from their shaming reputation for being so wacky? Probably. It offering up Chappelle’s speech is seems less like more Chappelle content and more like a statement. In fact, that statement seems to be a bit more concrete since it’s canceled some of its more woke shows as well.
(READ: Netflix Annulles Some Of Its Woke Shows. This Signals Its Retraction From Leftism is Well Underway).
If it is a company slowly prying off the grip of radical leftism, then I’m going to give it all the credit it deserves for doing so. Netflix is a streaming giant. If they can create content that appeals more to all people than just a few political radicals, then I hope that the company will regain subscribers at an alarmingly rapid rate. It is my hope that they will set the standard. I hope they teach other streaming platforms that they don’t have to be beholden to leftist messaging.
Netflix might be the platform that can lead the mainstream entertainment sector out of the socio-political abyss.