‘Idiot’! New York Times Writer Slammed for Sudden Concern for Supreme Court Power

In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2. Roe Vs. WadeWhile liberals were in control, “objective” media loved and admired the court and its landmark rulings. It’s dangerous to democracy as it is. This Thursday the daily New York TimesThe Morning newsletter was alerted: “In advanced democracies the courts are less restrained.

German Lopez from liberal Vox.com wrote that Ours is “global outlier”.

But the Supreme Court’s power is strange in a global context. In rich democracies, the power of high-ranking courts tends to be lower. Elsewhere, courts can still overturn laws and restrict the government’s reach, but they often face sharper limits on their decisions.

…The U.S. model means the current court’s makeup of six conservatives and three liberals is likely to remain in place for years if not decades. And if justices are careful about timing their retirements to benefit their ideological side, it could last even longer. The court may be influenced less by future elections or public opinion.

Others have restricted terms or mandatory retirement ages which allow more recent elected politicians to remake top courts and hold them accountable.

Cleta Mitchell, a conservative lawyer, reduced the boom for Lopez “left-wing idiot”.

The NYT suddenly worries about an overpowerful Supreme Court and unchecked judiciary.   For my entire life, SCOTUS has been upending the values and traditions of America:  prayer in schools, and all religious expression or connections to public life, the structure of state legislatures through byzantine and unintelligible and conflicting redistricting decisions, busing (destroying the urban schools), vetoing term limits for Congress, despite having been approved by more than 20 million Americans, abortion, same-sex marriage, New York Times v Sullivan,This has led to the worst media practices and most dishonesty possible.  

The Warren Court and its progeny essentially created the blueprint for today’s tortured society.  The NYT / Leftist Elites will only question the Court’s power for 60 years. Only then can SCOTUS right the ship.  This article could have been written at any moment by any American right-thinking.   

German Lopez is not the only one who has shifted his views about law and order. In 2016, Curtis Houck noted Lopez penned a Vox article titled “Riots are destructive, dangerous, and scary — but can lead to serious social reforms.” P. J. Gladnick observed a dramatic shift in January 2006, which P. J. Gladnick reported. “Everyone who tried to force their way into Capitol should be imprisoned.”

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