How Far Will They Go to Silence Parents? – Opinion

They are constantly criticized by the activist media. The National School Board Association colluded with the federal government to label them as “domestic terrorists.” At least one school board is forcing them to dox themselves if they seek to speak out against Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the classroom. Now, another school district is targeting parents who have been outspoken against wokeism being infused into the curriculum at their children’s schools.

AZ Free News Report:

The Scottsdale Unified School District’s administration is scrambling to do damage control after a group of mothers discovered Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg had access to a Google Drive full of personal information, documents, and photos of about 47 people, including children.

An email sent out Wednesday evening by the SUSD’s Communications Office sought to assure families that their personal and educational data is safe. However, the district also solely blamed the discovered digital dossier* site on Mark Greenburg, the father of Jann-Michael Greenburg.

Their attempt to redress the situation was not successful. Parents have voiced disapproval at the administration. Amy Carney, who has six children in Scottsdale Unified Schools District, called out Greenburg and lashed out for maintaining the dossier.

“I am calling for the immediate resignation of our board president Jann-Michael Greenburg. We cannot allow anyone in a leadership position to secretly compile personal documents and information on moms and dads who have dared speak out publicly or on social media about their grievances with the district.”

Carney is running to be a member of the school board.

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Although Mark Greenburg appears to be the Google Drive owner in Google Drive records, Jann-Michael admits that he shared a computer and a home with Mark. With Mark and Jann-Michael sharing a computer and a home, there is no way to know which of them has been uploading files (now known as the “G Files”) to the drive, according to concerned parents.

AZ Free News also pointed out that despite Jann-Michael’s denying any involvement with the dossier, there appears to be evidence that he “has complete knowledge of the Google Drive files and had shared some of its contents in an effort to intimidate SUSD parents.”

Alexander Kolodin also had reservations regarding the developments. He said to AZFN

“These allegations are deeply troubling, especially as concerns the photography of a minor child without parental consent and the taking down of license plate numbers of parents who Mr. Greenberg supposedly perceived as political opponents.”

He continued to say:

“Mr. Greenberg, an elected member of school board. If such a photograph was taken with his express or tacit consent, he would potentially be liable for violations of Arizona’s Parents’ Bill of Rights, which recognizes a parent’s ‘fundamental’ right to consent before the government makes a video or voice recording of the minor child.”

But it gets even worse.

Kolodin explained that Jann-Michael Greenberg’s father also “engaged in some acts while keeping his face hidden under a helmet and while wearing motorcycle gear,” according to AZFN:.

“Both Arizona and the federal government have laws prohibiting both intimidation generally and voter intimidation in particular such as ARS Titles 13 and 16, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” Kolodin explained:

“If these allegations are true, Mr. Greenberg and his father might be liable for violating one or more of these laws – though it is difficult to say from the limited facts that have been reported and they must, of course, be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.”

The controversy started when Kim Stafford, a mother whose children are also in the district, discovered a Google Drive link after Jann-Michael sent her an email accusing her of making “anti-Semitic” comments about leftist billionaire George Soros. The mistake he made was to send a screenshot from his desktop that displayed the now-defunct Google Drive URL. Stafford shared the link with her friends, one of whom was mother Amanda Wray, who told the Daily Caller she became “disgusted” when she realized the drive had pictures of her 8 and 10-year-old daughters.

Daily Caller

Parents have since dubbed the Google Drive an “online dossier.” The folders housed within the dossier are labeled “SUSD Wackos,” “Press Conference Psychos,” and “Anti Mask Lunatics,” among others. Included under “Press Conference Psychos” was a video that shows parents calmly holding signs that read “CRT is Racist” and “SUSD We Demand Transparency.”

The Daily Caller’s report also notes that the “dossier takes specific aim at the concerned parent group ‘Community Advocacy Network’ (CAN.)” The group’s administrations and founders of its Facebook page had folders in which screenshots of their social media comments, pictures of them with loved ones, and even financial records were contained.

The dossier takes specific aim at the concerned parent group “Community Advocacy Network” (CAN). Administrators and founders of CAN’s active Facebook page have folders dedicated to screenshots of their Facebook comments, pictures of them with their husbands, and in some cases, financial records.

This latest report is part of a long series that shows how leftists try to make sure teachers infuse their materials with CRT elements and wakeism. They have been attempting to gaslight the nation into believing that they are only concerned with teaching history – but when stories like these emerge, it becomes apparent that this is about indoctrination, not history. They are trying to create a new generation of left-wing activists.

The more these people are exposed, the better it will be for those pushing back against efforts to brainwash America’s children into Marxism. There is good reason to believe that the far-left may fail, thanks to more parents running for school board seats, and others speaking out against this leftist effort.

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