HORRIFIC! Nets Ignore Liberal DA Giving Trans Rapist a Light Sentence

In one of the most horrid stories you’ll hear all week, leftist Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon gave a transgender pedophile a shamefully light two-year jail sentence for raping a ten-year-old girl in a Denny’s bathroom. Despicably all three evening broadcast networks ignored the story, while only Fox News’ Special ReportThis was it. 

ABC chose to cover this story instead of CNN World News TonightCBS Evening NewsNBC and NBC Nightly News decided to waste airtime on stories like a snowstorm, a helicopter crash, a Michigan basketball coach getting into a fistfight, and a Kentucky Derby horse being stripped of its title. 

In stark contrast,Special Report anchor Bret Baier led off the coverage of this tragic miscarriage of justice by reporting that the “District Attorney in Los Angeles may be reevaluating his liberal policies tonight when it comes to crime. This comes after a sex offender is heard celebrating how those policies can actually deter justice.” 



To give details to viewers, Baier brought in Bill Melugin, a national correspondent. “Fox News has exclusively obtained in custody phone calls from Hanna Tubbs, a 26-year-old transgender child molester convicted of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a Denny’s bathroom in L.A. County in 2014” Melugin reported. 

Tubbs, a 17 year-old boy named James was present at the scene of Tubbs’ assault. Melugin continued the report announcing that a “Surveillance video showed Tubbs going into that Denny’s restroom and fleeing the scene after the assault” and that Tubbs who had quite a long rap sheet had almost gotten away with the rape until “DNA from a 2019 arrest linked Tubbs to the crime.”

While in custody, Tubbs bragged to his father during a phone call with him that he would get off easy. 

“Don’t worry about it” Tubbs told his father. “I’m a plead out to them and plead guilty. They’re going to stick me on probation. They’re going to drop it. You can do it. I won’t have to register once or nothing” Tubbs boasted. When Tubbs’ father asked him what punishment he would receive he said “nothing” and if there was a next time he would leave the state or even the country.  

In a statement to Fox News, Tubbs’ underage victim said “the things he did to me and made me do that day were beyond horrible for a 10-year-old girl to have to go through. The man was able to clearly see the wrongness of his actions and did not regret them. This is something that I struggle with, and it’s offensive that he got this as his punishment. And I want something done about it.” 

Melguin closed his report by telling that George Gascon, the District Attorney, claims that Tubbs phone calls were not known to him until Fox reached out. Gascon also said that he wouldn’t have handled the matter differently if he had. 

He also added that Gascon is “going to be changing policy” and that “moving forward, he will consider prosecuting some juveniles as adults only in extreme circumstances.” 

These three networks committed an outrageous act of bias through omission. This was possible because they received lucrative sponsorships. Pacific LifeABC News AssureCBS, CBS News.amp; NeutrogenaNBC. The following information has been linked. 

To read the transcript of the Fox News segment click “expand”:

FNC’s Special Report
6:30:20 PM ET

BRET BAIER – The highly criticized Los Angeles District Attorney may be reconsidering his liberal policy regarding crime tonight. The announcement comes just days after a sexual offender was heard celebrating how these policies can deter justice. Tonight’s shocking audio comes from Los Angeles by Bill Melugin (Correspondent).

BILL MELUGIN: Fox News exclusively has in custody telephone calls from Hanna Tubbs (a 26-year old transgender child molester convicted in 2014 of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl at Denny’s in L.A. County). Tubbs, then 17, was just weeks from his 18th Birthday. Surveillance footage showed Tubbs entering the Denny’s bathroom and then fleeing from the scene following the attack. Tubbs had a long criminal record but was not connected to the sexual assault until DNA taken from an arrest in 2019 revealed that Tubbs is. Tubbs, according to the prosecution, began to identify as a female after being taken into custody. Progressive L.A. George Gascon was unwilling to charge Tubbs for sexual assault as an adult. Tubbs was also sentenced last month to only two years in a juvenile jail. Tubbs claimed that he had a plea agreement while in L.A. County detention before being sentencing.

HANNAH TUBBS – Don’t be worried about it. It’s a strike, but they’re gonna plead, I’m a plead out to them and plead guilty. They’re going to stick me on probation. They’re going to drop it. You can rest assured that it will be completed. You don’t need to sign up more than once.

FATHER: You don’t need to register if you are an offender. 

TUBBS: You don’t need to do any of this.

FATHER: And what will they do to you?

TUBBS: Nothing. If ever I find myself in serious trouble again, I’ll be leaving the state. I’m going to leave the country. I ain’t staying. 

MELUGIN. Tubbs made extremely offensive and demeaning sexual comments about his victim of 18 years. Fox hears her express outrage at Tubbs’ sentence. She says that Tubbs made some very crude and demeaning remarks about the victim, who is now age 18. This man was mature enough and clear-minded to understand that he was doing wrong, but he still did it. This is something that I have struggled with. It was insulting to him that this was all he received as punishment. This is unacceptable and I am determined to change it. Bret: As for L.A. district attorney George Gascon’s recordings, he said he didn’t know about them until last week when we contacted his office. The man also stated that the tapes would have changed how he handled the case. Now, he’s also claiming is he going to be changing policy. In announcing his intention to prosecute some juveniles for adult crimes, he said that only extreme cases would be considered. It will be returned to you

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