Our weekly recognition of less-than-meritorious excellence in journalism is worthy of Pulitzer Prize consideration.
As an extension of the media-mocking venture at Townhall, Riffed From The Headlines, we once again recognize the exalted performances in our journalism industry and compile worthy submissions to the Pulitzer Prize board in numerous categories. Let’s get to the best examples of journalistic failure-excellence in order to properly identify the low watermark within the media.
Distinguished Cultural Commentary
In a deeply helpful correction of the record, Ms. Faguy cagily prevents information from spreading, which might have caused severe…um, reactions…maybe? I don’t really know, but darned good thing that USA Today is on the case to let us know that this photograph is not real, and some post-publishing editing took place.
So please, do not be fooled by the image of Hillary Clinton in a gown from The Met Gala that is adorned with enough words as to appear like a NASCAR driver’s firesuit.
Be aware@USATodayThe photo shown below has not been verified as accurate by the photographer and has been modified.
Be very careful, as it is not known how much damage could have been realized we’re this to be shared on social media. pic.twitter.com/7mM10z13h1— Lie-Able Sources (@LieAbleSources) May 17, 2022
Specialized Explanatory Reporting
- Mike Stobbe — Associated Press
The AP examined some statistics to discover a surprising conclusion. People are less likely to take part in doing things. This is amazing, but it’s true.
People couldn’t have social events in 2020. This was back during the Pandemic, when almost everything had been shut down, except grocery stores and lottery tickets sellers. Well, the crack team of fact-finders at the AP has discovered something – the inability to conduct wedding ceremonies that year had led to a drop in marriages that same year.
The CDC reports that far fewer Americans were able to say “I do” in the initial year of the pandemic. This was when many marriage plans had been canceled. There were 1.7 million weddings in 2020, a drop of 17% from the year before and the lowest recorded since 1963. https://t.co/ch7GsqQwN6
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 18, 2022
Distinguished Photography
In its report on a conflict in Ukraine, the news syndicate provided a dramatic image of troops huddled together with weaponry that was – curious. According to reports, the Russians were held back by weekend military hobbyists.
Is it possible that America spent $40 billion on Ukraine’s paintball equipment??
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 16, 2022
Distinguised Editorial Writing
- Brent Orrell — Bulwark
In a remarkable example of wishcasting, Orrell has seen the demise of the Republican Party in the near future…despite, you know, the current success of the Republican party.
Orrell believes the GOP is losing touch with the center because every poll has shown that Independents have shifted away from Biden, and the Democrats. Orrell says that Dems now have governorships, in spite of statewide gains and the midterms showing either red or red tidal waves. He also tries to fabricate a rift within the party, as he says that “non-Trump candidates are non-starters.” It’s as if Brent is oblivious to Glenn Younkin winning without Trump, and Brian Kemp excelling in spite of his rift with the man. Even The Atlantic sees this is not the case, and CNN notes Trump is stepping back from endorsements after a mixed result so far in primaries.
Six years worth of lies and conspiracy theories threaten the Republican suburban-rural electoral alliance across the nation.
https://t.co/DyetdcrVz4— The Bulwark (@BulwarkOnline) May 19, 2022
Distinguished National Reporting
- Sarah Ashley O’Brien — CNN
Johnny Depp Amber Heard’s trainwreck in a divorcing trial is becoming a media sensation. CNN shares the story of how TikTok users have benefited from the celebrity dysfunction trial. CNN has so much interest. This trial has shown people to be deeply invested to such an extent that even seemingly mundane posts can bring in huge returns.
One TikTok user, who is based in the UK, said she posted a video on April 27 celebrating Depp for freeing his lawyer’s snagged charger cord with a comment, ‘the little things.’ ‘I wasn’t expecting anyone to reach out, or like it, or share it even,’ she said, noting that she’d originally created her account to post about films. It has been viewed more than 10,000,000 times. She’s continued posting about the trial and she says her account has gone from fewer than 300 followers to more than 50,000.
TikTok’s posts on Johnny Depp’s trial for defamation against actress Amber Heard have made some of them accidental influencers while also making others targets. https://t.co/9ttrb96ypg
— CNN International (@cnni) May 15, 2022
Distinguished Investigative Reporting
- Dezimey Kum — USA Today
Fact-checkers can’t bother correcting the records on Biden and the Baby Formula Crisis, so they leave that to columns such as ours.
Instead they’re too concerned with checking Facebook photos of dolphins fetus photographs. Cannot have people going around sharing these pics as if they were genuine – WHEN THEY CLEARLY ARE NOT!
Fact check: Image shows a silicone model of a dolphin fetus in the womb, not photo or ultrasound https://t.co/bFnYv8ZId1 via @usatoday
— Dave Agar (@dave1agar) May 16, 2022
Distinguished Cultural Criticism
- Christian Holub — Entertainment Weekly
Neil Patrick Harris was forced to apologize publicly after shocking information broke. NPH released this statement, admitting that the meat platter that he used for his Halloween party for celebrity friends was offensive.
This platter appears to have been designed to look like the body of Amy Winehouse. It is also revealed that this offending episode occurred It was 11 years ago.However, the photo of the incident was recently circulated and the actor had to make a public apology. It was brilliant to use EXCLUSIVE in a story more than a decade old.
Exclusive: Neil Patrick Harris issues apology for resurfaced joke he and his husband made about Amy Winehouse months after her death in 2011. https://t.co/5tsoF48qSY
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 19, 2022