Hilarity Ensues After Toronto Police Post Image of Totally Deteriorated Gun They Took ‘off the Streets’ – Opinion

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Doing for Canada what Joe Biden can’t do for America by taking (confiscating) dangerous “weapons of war,” including “assault rifles” (and even MordaciousCanadian handguns are being removed from the streets so that our North neighbours can rest easy, knowing Trudeau will be there to help them return to peaceful, harmonious land.

In a recent example of Trudeau’s historic effort to deny Canadians the equivalence of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the @TPSGunsSeized Twitter account, which is described as the “official Toronto Police account for all guns seized,” tweeted an image of a recent seizure, along with #offthestreetsThis week: 

This one is, as you can see, pretty self-explanatory.

In responses I assume came mostly from gun rights advocates, the Twittersphere thoroughly mocked the efforts of Toronto’s finest. Fair enough, maybe a Canadian was diligent and found the handgun covered in gunpowder. He decided to give it to the police instead of throwing it out. Fine. You can tweet an image of this awful thing to prove that guns are defeated. Barney Fife, the Toronto Police officer, looked like Eliot Ness (the famed enemy of Al Capone).

Below are some of our most funny beatdowns.

Atlantis is located off the roads of?

I would’ve totally gone with that one.

Although this one was damn close, reading simply, “the streets.” But SpongeBob SquarePants? Awesome.

The mockery would not be complete without a photo of the notorious gang that the Toronto Police Department took the deadly weapon.

Bottom line:

It is important to stop often and take in the beauty of the journey. Sometimes, it is necessary to laugh at the absurdity of the left as well as the ridiculous things that they continue doing.

We should be able to appreciate how far left-wing gun grabers will go to protect their land from the evil and evil acts of others. This is how they get super-dangerous weapons such as the one mentioned above from the streets to ensure that no harm can be done.

Now that I think about it, it’s not funny at all; it’s insane, not to mention dangerous as hell.

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