HIDE THE DECLINE: Latino Nets Avoid Biden’s Bad Polling With Hispanics

President Biden´s approval among Hispanics continues to plummet, and the networks that cater to the nation’s largest minority are doing the near-impossible to avoid covering it.

Willow the cat, Queen Elizabeth seeking a new maid, a Mexican anchor losing it on-air over vaccine hesitancy, and even Mexican President AMLO´s second bout with COVID, all garnered more time and attention than Biden´s polling crater with Hispanics. Only Univision – and on New Year’s Eve while nobody was watching– offered their audience a brief flash of the bad news.

According to the PBS/Marista mid-December 2021 poll, 65% of Latinos disapprove of Biden´s performance. Even though 59% of Hispanics were registered to vote for Biden at one year, that is an enormous change. Now, 56% will not vote.

In January, another damaging survey, this time from Quinnipiac University and released on January 12, 2022, has 51% of Hispanics disapproving “the way Joe Biden is handling his job a president”; again, the networks looked the other way.

As the Hispanic demographic continues to grow and become a vital part of the nation´s political scenario, those who watch Spanish-language television, and follow them on other platforms, deserve frank, open access to information directly relating to their well-being as American citizens.

We look forward at MRC Latino to it.

Advertisers like Honda bring to light the obvious omission of vital information for Hispanics in Spanish-speaking media. They are to be commended.

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