Here’s How Long Dems Including Biden Used ‘Jim Crow Relic’ to Stall Janice Rogers Brown – Opinion

We previously reported on how some prominent Democrats have noted how eager they were to see Republican Senators go on record in a midterm election year opposing the confirmation of President Biden’s eventual Supreme Court nominee, who Biden made clear Thursday would be a black woman.

Joe Lockhart, a long-time CNN analyst and Clintonista, is one example. tweeted that he was looking “forward to watching every Republican Senator oppose the first black woman to the Supreme Court” before the midterms.

Other examples include Wajahat Ali, a far-left Daily Beast columnist and racial arsonist. proclaimed that Republicans would not be able to contain their supposed “racism” and “sexism” during the confirmation battle.

If confirmed, Biden’s nominee would be the first black woman ever to sit on the nation’s highest court, which Democrats would consider a big feather in their “woke” cap.

But an interesting tidbit of information that has largely been left out of all of this is how all the left’s talk of abolishing the filibuster in recent months and their salivating over the GOP “opposing a black woman” to a higher court has come full circle.


Let’s take a trip back in time and recall the lengths the Democrats in the Senate at the time – including Joe Biden – went to stall then-President George W. Bush’s nomination of Janice Rogers Brown, who is black, to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Find out more For two years, Democrats led by Biden used what they now refer to as a “Jim Crow relic” to stall her confirmation to what some have referred to as the second-highest court in the country behind the SCOTUS.

Democrats were naturally terrified by Brown’s conservative legal views and her strong Libertarian leanings. But as in all things that involve race, Democrats were also opposed to her nomination because it went all kinds of against their portrayal of Bush and Republicans as “racists.”

So they filibustered with wild abandon, and not just against Brown’s nomination. Democrats at the time were strongly opposed to dozens of Bush’s nominees and used the filibuster to stop them, prompting Bush to have to renominate some of them at a later point. They used the filibuster so often that Republicans began talking about using the “nuclear option” (basically nullifying the use of the filibuster on judicial nominations) to get around them.

Some of the flashback clips we’ve seen of Senators like Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden passionately arguing against changing the Senate’s filibuster rules were from speeches made during this time frame. But perhaps none is so relevant to what’s going on today than the below clip of then-Sen. Joe Biden, invoking former KKK member turned Sen. Robert Byrd (D) in his defense of using the filibuster to continue to stall Janice Rogers Brown’s nomination.

Here’s Sen. Biden, from May 23, 2005:

Mr. President, my friends and colleagues, I’ve not been here as long as Senator Byrd, and no one fully understands the Senate as well as Senator Byrd, but I’ve been here for over three decades.

I believe this to be the single most important vote that any senator will cast during my 32-year tenure in the Senate.


The American people will soon learn that Justice Janice Rogers Brown, one of the nominees that we are not allowing to be passed, one of the ostensible reasons for this nuclear option being employed has decried the Supreme Court’s – quote – “socialist revolution of 1930.”

Check out Social Security. See what they mean. Find out what they are referring to. The very year that a five to four Court upheld the constitutional – the constitutionality of Social Security against a strong challenge – 1937, Social Security almost failed by one vote. The Supreme Court challenged it as confiscatory. The argument was made that the government had no legal right to require that all employees pay into it, or that any employer must pay in. This argument may resonate with some. It’s a legitimate argument. But one rejected by the Supreme Court in 1937 that Janice Rogers Brown refers to as the “socialist revolution” of 1937.


Biden voted against Brown even though Brown was finally confirmed in a bipartisan agreement. I have no doubt that Cocaine Mitch is waiting in the wings, eager to use Joe Biden’s own words against him as soon as Biden plays the race card regarding his eventual nominee. Perhaps there will also be Bidenesque comparisons with Bull Connor or George Wallace? We can only dream.

And his words against Brown won’t be the only ones McConnell will have on hand to reference. McConnell is like us all and vividly recalls Joe Biden’s words. was the architectBehind the vicious attacks on GOP Supreme Court nominees. It was evident with Robert Bork, and Clarence Thomas. They both made it to the Supreme Court in spite of having been subjected to racially charged attacks by Senate Democrats like Biden.

This is one of those “be careful what you wish for” things as far as Democrats are concerned. They are chomping at the bit to see Republicans oppose Biden’s pick, but they won’t like how Republicans throw the words of our nation’s fearless leader regarding Brown and Thomas when the time comes.

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