If you had to defend Biden’s Putin regime change gaffe, then you can be forgiven for thinking so. Morning JoeYesterday’s pro-Biden show was a disaster.
We should also note that Mika Brzezinski was kind enough to praise Biden for his remarks. “Put the Kremlin on its heels.” And Joe Scarborough agreed, calling the gaffe It was “a good thing” and Biden admitted to having engaged in “psyops”.
Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Mika Brzezinski demonstrated that they can’t go to the bottom of their relentless defense for Biden.
Brzezinski was impressed after watching a video clip showing Biden making bumbling comments about his gaffe.
He only gets better.
Scarborough didn’t stop there. Biden thanked him for his mistake.For saying that he doesn’t care what Putin thinks. “Thank you! Scarborough exclaimed, “Thanks !…. Just for your kind words!”
If you’re trying to remember, Scaborough is the same Scaborough that, just a few days before, called Republican senators too hawkish and pressed Biden for doing things “that would trigger World War III”. But, now he can be content with his gruff regime-change bravado.
Scarborough is in agreement with Biden, that Putin’s opinions are irrelevant. Really? Why should we care? Biden could have offered a man who has huge chemical, biological and nuclear weapon stockpiles an excuse to use them. Biden’s staff should have reacted quickly to their boss’s error.
In his exchange with ABC’s Mary Bruce in the clip, Biden recycled a couple of his oratorical schticks. Biden first gave up one his trademarked schticks. “Here is the deal.”He then began to tell the reporter she needed to grasp and comprehend something.Please excuse me. That’s not what I should have said to you.His recent behaviour is concerning. People Should be able to comprehend.”
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski continue to defend Biden’s Putin regime-change gaffe. Mika claimed, “he only gets worse,” was partially sponsored by Subway, Xfinity, and Xfinity.
You can find the transcription here.
Morning Joe
6:12 am ETMIKA BRZEZINSKI : The President is clarifying the remarks he made in his Warsaw speech Saturday, stating that Vladimir Putin can no longer be at power. The president answered all questions from reporters and said that he does not apologize for the remarks. The president isn’t clarifying. He stated that he doesn’t call for regime change.
. . .
ABC’s MARY BRUCE: Your comment has been characterized as a confidence that it won’t harm diplomatic efforts. To be precise, Are you certain that Vladimir Putin views it this way? This will not be used as an escalatory —
JOE BIDDEN It doesn’t matter what he thinks. Look,Here’s how it works.He will do the things he says he is going to do. Putin, take a look
REPORTER : Are you concerned that he may see your language as an indicator, as a signal, or as a cause for escalate? You can use that to excuse him from escalating because of his behavior.
BIDEN You should, excuse me. You shouldn’t tell me that. His recent behaviour should make it clear that people need to get behind himHe will do whatever he believes he should, no matter what. He doesn’t care about anyone else. Unfortunately, even his advisors. This guy is one who marches to his own beat. He is a man who is not rational. I call him and asked for his opinion.
JOE SCARBOROUGH We are grateful. We are grateful.
MIKA: Wow. His abilities only get better.
SCARBOROUGH – I meant I am sorry. Just a quick thank you The whole concept of “well, How does Vladimir Putin feel?Do you know what? It was as follows: I don’t care, we don’t care. Our team has been trying to find out the thoughts of Vladimir Putin, but he then invades Ukraine. After trying to understand what Vladimir Putin is thinking, he attacks children’s hospitals. Our goal is to find out the thoughts of Vladimir Putin. Then he bombs.
MIKA Maternity Hospitals.
SCARBOROUGH Maternity Wards. He bombs hospitals for cancer, and then bombs homes. They bomb — He doesn’t care what his thoughts are.!This is it again. He doesn’t care what others think. He should stop worrying about our thoughts.