Who’da thunk today’s FBI would make the bureau under former director James Comey look like a bunch of pikers? That’s exactly where we find ourselves. A recent poll found more than half of America believes the FBI is now Joe Biden’s “personal Gestapo,” while others believe the bureau has become the GOP’s “bogeyman.” Either way, the FBI is in crisis mode. Is it right to choose which viewpoint, if any? I report, you decide.
As reported by my colleague Nick Arama on Friday morning, a new Rasmussen poll shows the public’s reaction to the raid on Donald and Melania Trump’s personal residence at the Mar-a-Lago resort.
A majority of adults — 53 percent — agree with the statement that there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” The Gestapo was the official secret police force of Nazi Germany. A staggering 44% say that they trust the FBI less after the extraordinary raid, while 29% believe the raid increased their confidence in the FBI.
Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, is among those pointing out the FBI’s double standard in its years-long pursuit of Donald Trump.
Trump doesn’t do anything wrong. FBI raided his house.
Hunter Biden commits every wrong act. The FBI attempts to close the case.
Hillary Clinton and 33,000 of her Bleachbit deleted emails could not be reached for comment.
Trump doesn’t do anything wrong. FBI raided his house.
Hunter Biden commits every wrong act. The FBI attempts to close the case.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) August 10, 2022
Here’s a summary of the poll included in Nick’s piece:
Approval of the FBI, including its raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, is highest among Democratic voters. Seventy-five per cent (75%) of Democrats have now a positive opinion about the FBI, compared to 63% in December.
Now, only 30% of Republicans view the FBI positively, down from 38% December. Just 49% of GOP voters have a very unfavorable opinion of the FBI. Only 45% of voters who are not associated with any major party have a positive impression of the FBI, while 50% see it negatively.
Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats say the FBI’s recent raid on Trump’s home made them trust the FBI more, but 70% of Republicans say the Mar-a-Lago raid made them trust the FBI less.
Unaffiliated voters say that Trump’s raid made 46% less trustful of the FBI, 18% say it increased their confidence in the FBI, and 29% claim the Trump raid didn’t make a difference to their faith in the FBI.
Clearly, Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose Department of Justice sent FBI flying monkeys to raid Trump’s home, is engaged in a vendetta against the former president, while he all but ignores the damning case against Joe Biden’s crackhead son, Hunter Biden, and possibly “The Big Guy,” as well.
These are troubling words from an FBI which has been in hot water since Trump’s inauguration and is now stepping up its efforts to take down Trump before the 2024 election. This, or that? The Hill’sEmily Brooks in Her assertion that the FBI has become the Republican Party’s “bogeyman”?
Needless to say, GOP rage against the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid continues — and it is justified — particularly given Trump’s willing cooperation with a secret June subpoena for documents and perhaps other materials. He reportedly cooperated “extensively,’ in June, yet two months later, after a weeks-long delay by Garland to approve the raid, agents descended on Mar-a-Lago with a list of documents perhaps initially missed, additional information, or both. Republicans were not alone in condemning the raid.
Jonathan Turley (University of Georgetown Law) and Fox News Contributor to Fox News slammed Garland and DOJ Wednesday over their duplicity in continuing leaks on the raid.
This latest leak indicates that the FBI responded to a subpoenaed security video taken outside Mar-a-Lago’s storage room. The DOJ requires that the entire affidavit be sealed to preserve the integrity of this investigation. However, the details are still being leaked selectively.
For the moment, Attorney General Garland is not taking any modest steps to ensure the public that the investigation isn’t politically motivated.
It is the leaks coming from the Justice Department which are fueling speculation. Garland stated that he was deeply worried about the possibility of people questioning his Department’s integrity, but he did not do much to stop speculation from escalating or address those concerns.
Memo to Emily Brooks: Does this sound like the stuff of “bogeymen”? Your piece was a cheap, fact-based attack on the Republican Party. Rhetorical question — the answer is obvious.
This latest leak indicates that the FBI responded to a subpoena for security tapes taken from the Mar-a-Lago storage room. While the DOJ demands a total seal on the affidavit to protect the integrity of the investigation, these details continue to be selectively leaked…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) August 17, 2022
Brooks went after the GOP response to Biden’s ridiculously misnomered “Inflation Reduction Act,” as well:
The GOP is warning that the $80 billion funding boost to the IRS included in Democrats’ tax, climate, and health care package, which President Biden signed into law on Tuesday, will target middle-class Americans with an “army” of new enforcement agents.
Um, I’m good with “army,” considering that hiring an additional 87,000 armed agents would make the FBI larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Control — combined.
And hilariously, Brooks obviously thought the following statement from Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel somehow made her case about GOP paranoia, apparently trying to hang the “bogeyman” thingy around McDaniel’s neck.
Biden, Democrats and others are completely out of touch and have no concern for the suffering and pain they cause Americans. Democrats rejoice in raising taxes on their families, despite the recession that was created. They also weaponize IRS to harm small businesses and American workers.
What part of Ronna McDaniel’s above statement was incorrect, Ms. Brooks?
More than 230 economists in early August sent a letter to House and Senate leadership arguing that the economy is at a “dangerous crossroads,” and that the “inaptly named ‘Inflation Reduction Act of 2022’ would do nothing of the sort and instead would perpetuate the same fiscal policy errors that have helped precipitate the current troubling economic climate.”
The politically-predisposed writer went on to present several other “examples” — none of which hold an ounce of water — in her failed attempt to dismiss legitimate concern about Garland, his out-of-control Justice Department, and by extension, the FBI, as nothing more than a “bogeyman” in the eyes of the GOP.
Absolute and complete nonsense. Complete, legitimate cause for concern.
Meanwhile, it’s a safe bet that it won’t be long before Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo playsItNext card
Let’s get to the bottom of it:
Where are we as a nation, then? Is America the Age of Trump?
While Biden and everything he touches becomes a dumpster fire, as my colleague Susie Moore observed, “It would be hard to argue that there’s a more polarizing figure in modern history than Donald Trump.”
His most loyal supporters are his closest friends and most detractors his least. Over the course of the past seven years, we’ve largely divided ourselves into Trump camps – ya love him or ya hate him, and the people who feel the opposite? Well, TheyThey are among the most dangerous.
The above is what my article does. As SUse this siteie pointedly said, “This is neither an indictment of Trump nor a defense of him. It’s an observation – and a reflection on us.”
Check out more of Susie’s “Moore to the Point” The commentary aired Friday, August 19, on NewsTalkSTL.
Have a great weekend, folks. You might even forget all about politics for a time.
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