fter Bette Midler Puts Down West Virginia for Manchin Vote, the Governor Gives His Dog’s Opinion – Opinion

Count me among those who never thought “Miss ‘M’” was all that “divine” in the first place, but other than “drunk-tweeting Cher,” I’m hard-pressed to think of a more buffoonish character on Twitter than Bette Midler.

Our story begins with Midler going full-metal crazy train against the entire state of West Virginia, after Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin refused to support the laughably-named Freedom to Vote Act — AKA: Freedom to Cheat Act — which among other dishonest Democrat schemes would wrest control of presidential elections from states to the federal government. Bottom line is that Democrats don’t care about making voting easier. They are determined to make it more simple. It is possible to cheat. However, that was already known to you.

Bette Midler, ladies and gentlemen:

It is terrible what JoeManchin (a representative of a smaller population than Brooklyn) has done for the rest America who want to go forward and not backward like his state. We were sold to him. He desires us all to look like West Virginia. Strung-out, poor and illiterate

Ooh, “nicely” played. Hillary “Basket of Deplorables” Clinton, Barack “They cling to their guns and religion” Obama, and Joe “Domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland” Biden were seen furiously nodding in approval.

It’s no surprise that West Virginia Governor. Jim Justice was not amused by Midler’s ridiculous criticism of his state in late December, but in typical fashion, he busted out his own style of humor on Thursday — with an assist from his dog — to let Midler know exactly what “they” thought about her idiocy.

Justice closed his 2022 State of the State Address by bringing Babydog up to the Lectern and picking her up. Then, he turned her back towards the audience.

Justice outlined it clearly in West Virginia’s WNS-TV report:

Babydog says to Bette Midler, and all others out there: Kiss her hiney.

This was met with a standing ovation by the West Virginia Legislature.

Any questions, Bette?

In an earlier COVID-19 press conference, noted WSN-TV, Justice elaborated his case against Midler — and by extension, the entirety of the bitter left — and her asinine attack.

Bette, it’s cruel, and it’s really, really unfair. You know, we’ve had a struggle, just like anybody’s had a struggle, but just think about what we’ve done. In the last few years, we have become the diamond in the rough that everybody’s missed.

The four best seasons are here. Yes, our people are the best, and I invite you to visit them. You will see people who care. People that love and appreciate what {They are people who care about others and show it by their actions.

Given that leftists — including Democrat lawmakers — are wont to say ridiculous crap they know full-well is ridiculous crap but do so solely for the purpose of political expediency, I’m sometimes inclined to put the silly ramblings of Better Midler, fellow Mensa member Joy Behar, and other loony geniuses in the same category.

It isn’t one of these times. This is left-wing, gauche elitism at its worst.

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Bill Kristol is a member of the Hilarious Conspiracy Theory Group, VP Harris, and SCOTUS

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