Former Planned Parenthood Head Touts “Fundamental Freedom” of Abortion

Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood made it very clear in an open letter that Teen Vogue published on May 27, she was still fighting for on-demand abortion. 

Possible overturning Roe V. Wade the leftist mob has made it clear that, in the name of “healthcare,” they will fight any attempt to save the lives of the innocent. Richards, a veteran, baby-killing apologist, now co-chairs DemocratSuper-PAC American Bridge 21st century, and she pulled out her old spiel, which Teen Vogue’s fangirls quickly uploaded to their website. 

In the letter, she says pro-life conservatives are willing to “trade away people’s lives for political power and control.” Her mob must “Get involved. Protest. Volunteer. Organize.” (As though they haven’t already.) Predictably, she posited abortion as a “right” for women that doesn’t infringe on the right to life of the child. 

It is implied that access to abortion and living a fulfilling life can be mutually exclusive. She says, “You have dreams: to go to college, play basketball, travel the world, open a bakery, climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, teach chemistry, go to outer space, act on Broadway,” as if women having dreams and working towards them is impossible if one has a child. 

Richards says that a baby does not constitute human life, but is something to be avoided. In her letter, Richards included liberal causes such climate change and college affordability. She wanted to make the multi-layered liberal arguments one big cause.

The fight for the lives of the unborn won’t be over, as elites like Richards will continue to push back against attempts to save babies. 


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