Footage of John Fetterman Reveals a Man Who Is Not Alright – Opinion

Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman finally “returned” to the campaign trail after ignoring his doctor for years and suffering a massive stroke. That “return” looked a lot like box-checking for the senate candidate, though.

Fetterman, who was clearly in an environment that controlled his movements, only made it to the scene for eleven minutes. His appearance included wearing a summer-weather hoodie, and having his wife back him up. First footage has now been released of the incident. This shows that Fetterman is not okay.

Fetterman, facing Republican Mehmet Oz, was unable to speak for more than a few seconds. He then returned to his extremely general remarks. That’s almost certainly a remnant of the stroke and something that the Democrat has been unwilling to be transparent about. To this point, he’s hidden behind his social media personality, carefully crafted by staffers to make him appear quick-witted and funny. However, what was displayed on the stage was far from that.

That’s a problem for Fetterman because his entire campaign has been predicated on an image that isn’t real. Now that the façade is gone, voters will see Fetterman as the awkward and unhealthy man that he truly is.

Is it any wonder Fetterman won’t agree to any debates? Imagine seeing that guy on stage for two hours and walking away still thinking he’s fit to be a US senator. Not only is he clearly suffering physically and mentally from the stroke, but there’s nothing articulate or engaging about him. That he’s spewing leftwing talking points that sound like they were lifted from a marginal Twitter account only makes things worse. Does Pennsylvania want to end filibuster? Are they looking for a man that will be willing to do whatever Joe Biden or Chuck Schumer ask?

That’s a question that will be answered in November, but for the first time in this race, we are finally seeing what’s real. Fetterman is a poor candidate, with severe health issues. He has no business being in this race. His basement campaign strategy is unsustainable in an environment where COVID-19 isn’t an all-encompassing excuse to remain out of the public eye. The more Fetterman is seen, the more he will be exposed for the fraud that he is, and eventually, he’s going to have to do an extended debate. Things could turn very ugly when that happens.

A lot of Republicans have been down on Oz as a candidate, but I think that’s premature doomsaying. Senate polling in the past two cycles has been notoriously bad and biased towards Democrats, as I have recently documented. We don’t know where the race is at all. This is the right time to raise the issue and give Fetterman a serious challenge.

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