FLASHBACK: Walters Derided RT Anchor Who Resigned to Protest Putin Propaganda

DirectTV FINALLY removed RT, the propaganda outlet that was known for its pro-Putin spin and lies this week. On Thursday, CNN explained that “RT America will cease productions and lay off most of its staff.” 

It was eight years ago today that one journalist bravely resigned from RT to protest the network’s Putin propaganda in the wake of the (first) Russian invasion of Ukraine. Surprisingly, though, one the arrogant hosts of The View Liz Wahl was met with ridicule. 

But first, here’s Wahl on RT as she announces her resignation, March 4, 2014. (Click “expand” to read more.) 

RT was in the news last night when an anchor said that Russian intervention is illegal in Crimea. And indeed, as a reporter on this network, I face many ethical and moral challenges – especially me personally, coming from a family whose grandparents – my grandparents – came here as refugees during the Hungarian revolution – ironically, to escape the Soviet forces.

I have family on the opposite side – on my mother’s side – that sees the daily grind of poverty, and I’m very lucky to have grown up here in the United States. My father is a vet and my mother works as a doctor at a base military hospital. He sees every day the final costs that the country’s citizens pay. It is because of this that I am unable to be part of the Russian-funded network that whitewashes Putin’s actions. American pride is something I cherish and the dissemination of truth is what drives me. This is the reason I have decided to resign after watching this newscast.

This is the video. 



This would be a cause for celebration, however.View host (and co-creator) Barbara Walters haughtily responded on the March 6, 2014 show: “She thinks what I believe [Wahl]It’s okay that she did it, however, don’t call her a hero because of her protests. It is the government she works for.” 



Walters’s comments still make little sense. “She is working for them?” No, Wahl resigned toProtestRT and later, writing a work Politico called “I was Putin’s pawn.” 

Walters giggled after his co-hosts gave support and offered their sympathy. 

Her work is for a Russian network. So, she protests the Russians. It is not like if I were angry at ABC and I came out and said terrible things about ABC, I don’t think I’d be here tomorrow. Perhaps I would. She protests. She is working for them.

Walters is known for telling people to shut up. Mimi Alford was a mistress of John F. Kennedy and came out publicly in 2012. View host derided, “She’ll make a lot of money!” and that the tell-all book “did not have to be written.” The hypocrisy of this was amazing. Walters had an affair with Massachusetts Senator Edward Brooke in the 1970s and came forward with a — you guessed it — tell-all book. 

ABC allows you to talk out… occasionally. Barbara Walters should be consulted first. 

Click here to see our TOP FIVE examples RT lies and propaganda on the second Ukraine invasion. More examples can be found in the FLASHBACK series (which we call NewsBusters Time Machine). Click here.

Transcript of March 6, 2014. View Below is the segment. Click “expand” to read more. 

The View


WHOOPI GLOBBERG: She is the anchor of Russia Today’s Washington bureau. She cited her family history of fleeing Soviet forces in Hungary, and that’s what she – that’s the entire –

BARBARA WALTERS – But, she says she works for the Russian network.

RACHELCAMPOS-DUFFY : Barbara, it’s a mutual agreement!

WALTERS – Why would you fight me against you?

CAMPOS-DUFFY: No, it’s not. I’m just saying you’re right, you’re right.


WALTERS: She is working for – [laughs]
GOLDBERG: Don’t stop.

WALTERS: I am laughing at you. Her work is for a Russian network. So, she protests the Russians. It is not like if I were angry at ABC and I came out and said terrible things about ABC, I don’t think I’d be here tomorrow. Perhaps I would. She protests. She is working for them.

GOLDBERG – Here is my question. She’s been there two years. Putin has been, he’s been — and so I understand that she felt this need, but I just kind of think if you’re –
JENNY McARTHY: Would you say it was pressure from outside, Whoopi?

GOLDBERG: No. She just thought of her parents, and she snapped.

SHERRI SHEPPARD: But that’s what I’m saying – even though she was working for, it was Russian, but she’s saying it’s still every day I’ve got to do this, I’m not feeling good inside. You’re violating my feelings, it’s OK.

WALTERS Her job is to represent the government.

MCCARTHY – Do you believe it will hinder her from getting another job or be a help to her?

WALTERS: That all depends on her job choice.

SHEPPARD: She can go do a commencement speech. It will be fine.

CAMPOS-DUFFY : Her name has been well known.

WALTERS – If your job requires that you voice your opinion, it’s a sign you are open to others disagreeing. You might not be able to do the same job as many other people, where you’re reading news on the teleprompter.

SHEPPARD – Have you ever been in a position as a journalist and felt uncomfortable when interviewing people? Did it make you –

WALTERS: Like Yasser Arafat.

SHEPPARD: Like Yasser Arafat.

WALTERS: As President Assad.
SHEPPARD – Like President Assad. Have you ever felt like this?

WALTERS: It’s not because I believe I am a reporter. My job is to tell you why. It’s not my job –
[cheers and applause]

GOLDBERG More hot topics will follow. Barbara, that was a great statement.


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