FLASHBACK: ABC Fawned Over Holocaust-Denying Dictator: How Often Do You Cry?

ABC last week struggled to respond to Whoopi Goldberg’s shocking comments that the Holocaust wasn’t about race. However, this network isn’t the one that once mocked the Holocaust-denying leader of Iran. 15 years ago, this week was the anniversary of when-Good Morning America host Diane Sawyer gushed about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a “sentimental,” “sympathetic” man who cries a lot since he’s so caring. 

Sawyer hosted an interview, 13 February 2007, with the former Iranian leader. 



DIANE SAWYER – Many have asked, “Is there something surprising or personal about President Ahmadinejad?” It turns out that he is very emotional and cries often. It is clear that he can be extremely sentimental and supportive when someone raises their concerns. He was a bit emotional so I asked, “Are you ever in tears?”

MAHMOUD AHMEDINEJAD: That’s right. These Iranians are my closest friends, and I love them all. When I see someone suffering, it is the same response. We feel sorry for those in Iraq and for Palestinians. Everywhere there is war, it makes us sad.

It is sad to see, on television, that some Americans have lost their homes due to tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. We believe that human beings can be respected no matter where they live. All human beings can be respected, and each one has their dignity. We all need to help people live better, more peaceful lives. 

This is the same vile leader who called the Nazi extermination of Jews a “myth.” Yet Sawyer seemed touched that he might cry during the final moments of Titanic. 

Sawyer was then an anchorman. World News Tonight, is the same journalist who (also in 2007) interviewed Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and asked him: “You like video games?… Do you have an iPod?” 



Possibly the worst example of Sawyer sucking up to authoritarian regimes happened in, yes, North Korea. 

SAWYER : This is far from American schools’ unruly individualism.
SAWYER TO CLASS: “Good morning.
SAWYER VOICEOVER: “Ask them about their country, and they can’t say enough.
NORTH KOREAN GIRL: In English, we are the happiest kids in the world.
SAWYER TO THE CLASS: What are you familiar with America?
SAWYER’S VOICEOVER: They show us an American magazine. They tell us, they know nothing about American movies, American movie stars….and then, it becomes clear that they have seen some movies from a strange place….”
SAWYER TO THE CLASS: Do you know The Sound of Music
SAWYER, SINGING WITH THE CLASS: Do, a deer, a female deer. Re: A drop of the golden sun ….
CHARLES GIBSON – A captivating glimpse at North Korea
— Sawyer reporting from North Korea for ABC’s World News with Charles GibsonOctober 19, 2006. 

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