Fiona Hill Tries to Own the Orange Man, Inadvertently Admits Why Putin Wanted Joe Biden – Opinion

Fiona Hill is quite a character. She was a star witness at Donald Trump’s first impeachment, which centered around the ridiculous idea that he was subverting American foreign policy, despite the fact that the president sets American foreign policy. There was also never any direct evidence offered that Trump arranged a “quid pro quo” with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, with both men denying the charge.

Because everything in Washington, D.C. is connected, Hill played an important role in the Steele Dossier, which introduced Christopher Steele, who would go on to become his main source. She later lied to Congress about these contacts. Hill also made bizarre statements at the impeachment hearings claiming that Ukraine hadn’t tried to influence the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton. As I wrote at the time, that’s just patently false.

Hill, in general, has been a bureaucratic hack with extreme-left tendencies. She also seems to have a healthy obsession with Ukraine. That continued after Russia’s invasion of the Eastern European nation. Hill has repeatedly stood in for Joe Biden despite the fact Putin had to wait until he was elected to do so. In doing so, she’s often tied herself in knots trying to slam Trump while excusing Biden’s failures in ways that just don’t make sense.

Hill tried to attack Trump again while speaking at Chicago Council of Global Affairs. Hill is another example of a globalist who attempted to take aim at Trump. Hill accidentally admitted to Putin that she preferred Biden was in office prior to making her move. After some conservatives responded by pointing out what she said, charges of “misconstruing her words” arose.

Here’s exactly what she said. For the complete video, click here

As I note, while Hill is clearly trying to take another lazy shot at Trump, she falls flat on her face and ends up making a strong critique of Biden–despite that not being her intent.

Hill claims that Putin wanted Biden in office prior to invading Ukraine. He believed the president of today would make it easier for him to reach agreements. This admission was made in a ridiculous way. Biden is so intelligent and well-informed about international affairs, that Putin wouldn’t have to explain it to him.

Anyone with half of a brain could figure out why Putin preferred Biden to Trump. Putin felt that he could achieve more through negotiations with Biden. Trump was not aware.

That’s the only logical reason anyone chooses one negotiating partner over another. It’s always about what can be gained in the end. It’s not about who the car salesman will charge you. In Putin’s eyes, Biden was the easy, predictable pushover who would try to maintain the global status quo, just as Obama had done after Russia’s 2014 invasion. Trump was the opposite. He wasn’t able to write a thesis about NATO, but knew exactly how to react to aggression.

In the end, that’s what makes Hill’s commentary so stupid and hilarious. She actually believes she’s owning the orange man by saying that Putin preferred Biden. She is not able to communicate her thoughts clearly because she wants to avoid slandering the president. This further demonstrates how biased and unreliable she was as a witness during impeachment proceedings. A lot of Republicans were praising her as an impartial straight-shooter at the time, which is further evidence that conservatives must be selective about whom they listen. Some called her out for being what she really was at that time.

As to her fluff about Biden being so incredibly knowledgable about foreign affairs, I’d point to his 50-year record of failure on that front as a counter.

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