Two couples sue fertility clinic over birth mixup

Couple Suing Fertility Center After Another Woman Unknowingly Gave Birth to Their Son

A California couple has filed a lawsuit against a Los Angeles clinic that specializes in in vitro fertilization after discovering that another woman had unwittingly given birth to their son.

Anni and Ashot Manukyan filed the lawsuit against CHA Fertility Center.

The Manukyans claim CHA mistakenly implanted their embryo in a New York woman. The unnamed woman gave birth to the Manukyans’ biological son, believing it was her own, in late March, The New York post reported.

The woman is also suing CHA after learning that neither of the twins she gave birth to are her biological children.

Speaking to Today after the ordeal, a tearful Anni said she met her son for the first time in a hotel lobby when he was six weeks old.

“I wasn’t there for his birth, I did not carry him, I did not feel him kick inside of me,” Anni said. “Nobody should meet their baby in the lobby of a hotel.”

“CHA put my family through living hell,” she added.

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The Manukyans claim clinic knew about the mix up well before they informed the couple.

“A woman gave birth to twins and one of them is yours,” Anni said the clinic told her.

According to the lawsuit, the clinic then refused for weeks to give them more information on the whereabouts of their son or the couple that gave birth to him.

When the baby was six weeks old, the Manukyans finally got to meet and hold their biological son in the lobby of a hotel.

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“She said, ‘Think of it as a good thing. You have a son now,” Anni said, referencing statements from the clinic. “And I just lashed out. What about the woman, you know? What is she going through right now? Thank God we got our child back but she ended up with nothing.”

The New York couple, who are of Asian descent, discovered they had given birth to strangers’ children when the twin Asian girls they were expecting turned out to be of a different ethnicity. DNA tests confirmed their worst fears: not only were the boys not related to the couple, but they were not even related to each other.

The couple claim in their lawsuit that they were never told what happened to their own embryos, and initially wanted to keep the twins. Eventually, they returned them to their biological parents.

The other boy belonged to an unidentified third couple.

CHA Fertility has yet to make any public statements regarding the mix up.

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