Feminist WashPost Movie Critic Proclaims ‘Taboo’ Is Lifted for Pro-Abortion Films

Sunday Washington PostAnn Hornaday (liberal chief movie critic) is once more adamant about her love of abortion films. Again, she is criticizing movies such as Juno And Get Knocked UpWhere abortion had to be “reflexively rejected.”

Even rom-coms she likes! Pretty Woman And Mail is yours for being “escapist pleasures…notwithstanding the costs of the generational silence that has evolved around abortion.” If Roe v. WadeJulia Roberts and Meg Ryan blamed for this.

This review’s headline was: 

Abortion, once taboo in the past, is now a cinematic reality

Filmmakers are finally beginning to tell the truth about a fact of many women’s lives

“Finally”? Hornaday notes that abortion-tuiting films have been “in style” for quite some time. Hornaday dates back to 2014.

Happening, which arrives in theaters on May 13, is one of several recent and upcoming films that are seeking to do just that. HBO will broadcast the series in June. Janes a documentary about an underground group of Chicago activists who defied the Mafia, Chicago police and the sexist mores of the era to provide illegal abortions to more than 10,000 women. Contact Jane, a dramatized version of the story starring Elizabeth Banks and Sigourney Weaver, is expected later this year.

Together with “Premature” (2019), in which Zora Howard played a college-bound woman navigating an unplanned pregnancy; Eliza Hittman’s “Never Sometimes Rarely Always” (2020), about a Pennsylvania teenager trying to obtain an abortion amid restrictive laws; as well as such comedies as “Obvious Child” (2014) and “Plan B” (2021), Abortion and other reproductive issues are finally coming out of the shadows.

This is not a complete list. The cable TV program featured abortion plotlines by feminists ShrillAnd Veep. Christian Toto noted there were the traveling-for-abortion movies Unpregnant And Little Woods 

Hornaday’s paper has tried to enforce an oppressive taboo on pro-life films. In fact, Hornaday is the one who did it. It’s Hornaday and her paper that have tried to enforce a suffocating taboo — on pro-life movies. PostWe refused to approve Gosnell2018 They played the exact same game together in 2018. UnplannedIn 2019, Hornaday told the producers not to continue with their “false notions of victimhood.” Even Hornaday praised the film Hail SatanThey were defending “bodily autonomy.” They are “utterly incompatible with the American way.”

It was a year ago PostMichael O’Sullivan was a movie critic who spoke for the liberal base. Post The movie Roe vs. Wade could be dismissed as right-wing catnip: “Arriving amid controversy and with a chip on its shoulder, the drama Roe v. Wade lands on premium video-on-demand services after premiering at February’s Conservative Political Action Conference…persuasion seems hardly the point. Most of the time, it plays like catnip to abortion advocates who are confirmed.

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