Fauci’s Nonsense Is (Hopefully) Circling the Drain – Opinion

Tony Fauci will soon be leaving the Federal Government with the most lucrative federal pension ever. He’s out in December. The damage has already been done.

American life was affected in many ways by lockdowns. Families weren’t allowed to see dying relatives. Businesses had to close down and were never allowed to reopen. It was only the essentials like marijuana sellers and popular spots such as strip joints that were shut down. Things like gyms, and churches and schools– those things that made us healthy in mind and spirit–were told to shutter. He said he would never recommend locking down anything. He lied

The parks were closed. Beaches were shut down–because of COVID panic porn that started because of Fauci’s failures.

How about masks? Fauci said not to wear masks. Then wear two masks. He told us the vaccine would be “almost 100%” effective against severe infection. In February 2022 25 percent of American deaths due to COVID had been fully vaccinated. We were to receive booster shots as well as multiple shots. After that, he received COVID.

Even though he was aware it was nonsense, he praised the 6-foot rule. He didn’t tout natural immunity, at least not for COVID. America should not shake hands, he said. You might get an airborne virus — shaking hands.

Everyone was in the same risk pot, he said. He never went up to the White House podium and cautioned against risky behavior — like being fat with COVID might kill you.

He fear-mongered America into a near depression. America printed money it didn’t have because Fauci recommended to the president to shut the country down. “Two weeks to slow the spread” turned into two years to ruin the economy. Fauci now has his $500,000+ pension, and is on the road speaking to the House Republicans. He’ll, again puff himself as “the science” and claim that people go to medical school because of him. He’ll bask in an adulation that he doesn’t deserve.

Not because of his absurdity, but because we live in an epidemic. His stupidity keeps us all in the gutter.

Only his fat head and the mess that he has left behind are bigger than ours.

Go Fauci yourself, Tony.

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