Rand Paul slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci’s continued lies and deflections on the funding that the NIH gave EcoHealth Alliance to finance gain-of function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci changed his mind from his previous statements regarding gain-of-function to adopt a more narrow definition, which he claimed qualifies his statements.
I’ll be honest…I’m furious. You might be wondering why. I am furious because today I watched Dr. Fauci lie and try to snake his way out emphatic statements he’s made before the committee previously. I am mad that while it is now undebatable, that Dr. Anthony Fauci has lied about the research performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, under a grant awarded by the NIH to EcoHealth Alliance, not one of these Senators…. not one….. called for Fauci’s resignation besides Rand Paul.
In an eight and a half minute exchange Senator Paul criticized Fauci for telling flat out lies. He demanded that Fauci admit to lying about how the NIH funded the dangerous research. After a blistering indictment of Fauci’s divergence from the facts, Senator Paul finally put him on the spot.
“Will you today finally take some responsibility for funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan?”
Then he stopped to take his measurements. Lies thoughts, Fauci first took issue with Senator Paul’s use of “gain-of-function,” suggesting that the term is “nebulous.” Fauci then goes on to describe how “outside bodies [have spent] a considerable amount of effort to give a more precise definition to the type of research that is of concern.” Fauci refers to the new P3CO Framework that was released in 2017.
Let’s be clear here. Fauci begins to talk within seconds. To protect himself against Contempt Of Congress charges, he lies and qualifies all of his statements. Fauci told Senator Paul, “The NIH is funding the Wuhan Lab” in May.
“has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
When again, in July, Senator Paul questioned Fauci regarding the funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab, this time, referencing an NIH-funded study at the lab that spoke of research that met the definition of gain-of-function research, Fauci instead deflected, telling the Senator that the research didn’t rise to the level of gain-of-function. Fauci then continued with the following:
“Sen. Paul, I don’t know what you are talking to, very frankly. You do not know what you are talking about,”
But a clear distinction has to be made here: Fauci didn’t qualify either of these statements, so why is he qualifying his statement from this morning? If the research wasn’t gain-of-function then, it should still not be gain-of-function now. Fauci today stated, using his ability to parse his language and qualify his lies: The research is not gain-of-function. This wasNot gain-of function Typeof research on gain-of function that required more oversight. (Spoiler Alert: It still is.)
Senator Paul wasn’t going to allow Fauci lie to his way out. We have recently reported that Paul immediately pointed out the fact that the NIH has removed the definitions of gain-offunction research from its site. It was likely this was in reaction to Fauci being forced to admit they had created an enhanced virus via their funding of research at Wuhan Lab.
Fauci once again resorts flat-out to lying:
“The guidelines are very, very clear that you have to be dealing with a pathogen that clearly is shown, and very likely to be highly transmissible in an uncontrollable way in humans, and to have a high degree of morbidity and mortality, and you do experiments to enhance that.”
Fauci either doesn’t know the definition or he does and he has no idea what he is talking about. But as is typical Faucian style, he scribbles over his blatant lies with a big fat “partial truth” crayon. Potential Pandemic Pathogens or PPPs must be transmissible to humans and can cause uncontrollable spreading.
BUT (and with Fauci, there’s always a but), Fauci’s understanding of enhanced PPP, or a lab-manipulated virus that does require additional biosafety requirements and would have voided the EcoHealth grant, is clearly (and perhaps intentionally) flawed. The P3CO Framework
An enhanced PPP refers to a PPP which has been given the ability to transmit and/or control a pathogen. An enhanced PPP does not contain naturally occurring pathogens, which are found in nature or have been recovered from them.
Clearly, an ePPP does not need to be the results of experiments on a PPP, but can simply be a PPP that results “from the enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of a pathogen.” It doesn’t say “enhancement of the transmissibility and/or virulence of a PPP.” For Fauci to say it does amounts to either a wildly misleading statement, or much more likely (following his trend to date), a massive lie.
Senator Paul continues his offense, stating it wasn’t his claim that the EcoHealth Alliance grant created an enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogen, but the claim of the NIH, the very agency for which Fauci works.
Fauci tries to pawn this work off as under the P3CO framework, saying that the work was “according to the definition that is currently operable.” Yet, that same definition was operable in May and July, when he stated that the research was not gain-of-function, and chose not to qualify those statements with the same P3CO Framework. Yet, despite Fauci’s claims that this work was within that Framework, our reporting here has revealed and decisively concluded that the funding did create an Enhanced PPP. This is backed up by the NIH’s flagging of the lab creation of a virus that could infect humans and was more transmissible and virulent than the prior pathogens from which it was engineered. If this work fell in line with the permitted research grant, then why did the NIH request clarification from Ecohealth Alliance? (hint: they wouldn’t)
My report yesterday, as well as that from The Intercept, also confirm two things: 1) that the NIH was aware that EcoHealth Alliance conducted gain-of-function experiments and 2) that those experiments were conducted before the institution of the new P3CO Framework and during the US Government-ordered ban on gain-of-function experiments.
As Fauci ended his testimony, he was particularly bothered by Senator Paul’s inference that he (Fauci) was in some way responsible for the current pandemic. After my conviction that the virus was transmitted from the Wuhan Institute of Virology to Fauci, I probably would have said that Fauci was not the cause of the pandemic. What causes me to question it is this: Why lie so often and so consistently, despite the gathering mountain of evidence proving your inaccuracies, if the truth would confirm your innocence? You have to ask yourself why you would defend what occurred at the lab, when all the facts confront you and threaten your career. What’s the point in denying something researchers have repeatedly called for? If you weren’t responsible for this current pandemic, why would you even do it at the end, and 80 years of age?
Except, of course you are.
We will be adding more information soon. Keep checking back.
The entire exchange is video: